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Redpill asylum vol 2 - TheRedKnight

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George Carlin Talks About The Average Man

88 Views • 08/27/22
176 Subscribers

the death of many, many men....

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2 years ago

Females kill more humans then men through abortion....George Carlin was a lefty feminist....fuck him.

2 years ago

George Carlin was a gr8 Comedian. And I enjoyed many of his brilliant Standup Comedy shows.

However he sounds , here, like he shitting on Men in a derogatory manner with his Reputable dry humor approach while seemingly pedestalizing Women. Basically, Men Bad, Women good.

Furthermore, he's incorrect that Men start as Female. The sex is actually determined by the Male sperm and not by the Female Egg ; see my explanation below.

Zygote, embryo, and fetal sex is determined from conception, when the Spern enters the Egg. Sperm contain either an XY set of sexual chromosomes, or an XX set. The XY swim faster and are less influenced by mucosal ph and uterine changes, while the XX live longer, thus the timing advantages for selecting sex of the fetus.

Any zygote/fetus will be influenced by the amount of maternal Estrogen, Progesterone, or Testosterone circulating within the maternal environment, but sexual genitalia per se is not changed from XX to XY or vice versa. It is indeed the male sperm that determines the sex of the fetus. Its pretty basic genetics, I'd suggest a search using the terms Gamete influence, Sex Embryology, and Sexual Genetics.

In certain ways, George Carlin was likely a White Knight Simp when it came to women and I'd regard any Info from him regarding Women & Men with a proverbial grain of salt.

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