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Germany - Reaping the fruits of Feminism

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3 years ago

Germany, it is oh so simple what has to be done. Get off your knees to the Jewish god and that false Savior invented at the Council of Nicea. Stand up like White Men and salute your REAL SAVIOR who actually fought and died for YOU, White Man!

ADOLF HITLER WAS RIGHT! *O*N*L*Y* when there is a mass public confession to that infallible Truth will the Universe open the way for Germany to purge itself of the Jewish evils that have plagued it since the end of WW2. Only then will the legitimate White German population know what to do AND have the spiritual FIRE to carry it out. The legitimate people of Germany had the fire the first time but not the experience. Now, after 75 years of Jewish tyranny and Jewish filth, the fire will not only return but, a hardened experience will not let White Germans make the same mistakes again.

3 years ago

A hipergamia e arrogância delas é tão é grande que trocaram os homens por um "homem" mais poderoso, chamado estado.
Então o estado chutou a bunda delas, e elas, depois de serem largadas e arrombadas pelos amante estado, querem voltar para os homens que elas rejeitaram.
Mulher trai homem até com o estado. Pois agora que vivam com o amante que as chuta e bate! Que se FODAM!

3 years ago

É meu caro,concordo totalmente com o seu comentário,a arrogância feminina é estratosférica,e a uns 5 anos atrás eu via homens revoltados nos comentários o do pq os homens europeus,mandaram um fodasse para as mulheres européias,e fizeram aquele shaming de chamar de viado,afeminado,mesmo alguns homens explicando,as pessoas não queriam saber,e agora que a merda esta batendo aqui tbm,acho que a ficha pra muitos dos caras que li o comentário no passado,caiu e estão fazendo a mesma coisas que os japoneses e homens europeus..........e a mesma coisa vai acontecer no brasil,ja tem islamicos por aqui,até onde eu sei,no sul do brasil

3 years ago

@Nikaido: Sou do Sul do Brasil. Cidade aqui tem 5 etnias de colonização. Uma das etnias é a Árabe. Agora, então, está tomado por islâmicos. E as mulheres que antes iam sentar nas pikas islâmicas, achando que iriam se mudar para prédio de luxo em Dubai, foram usadas, chupadas igual manga e jogadas fora. Imagina qual o comportamento delas agora? Todas enviando mensagens para os homens que elas rejeitaram, sempre a mesma coisa, o mesmo clichê: "e ai, sumido! o que anda fazendo?". Eu mesmo recebo mensagem assim, dia sim e outro também. Mulheres de idades entre 35 e 45 anos. Algumas eu ignoro, outras eu respondo com "opa..." e deixo as reticências como se o canal estivesse aberto para elas, quando elas dão a tréplica, dai ignoro, kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


3 years ago

Welcome to the first stages of communism. Now you gotta live it through, eat the whole socialist ass

3 years ago

that's right, now that their anus received poseidon's ice kiss

3 years ago

i guess that these strong and empowered women that voted in the socialist government all over Europe really showed all of the men that they didn't need male protection for any reason. Also they removed the traditional values and culture because it was an " evil patriarchy " . now they are complaining that they got exactly what they voted for . i really don't understand what the problem is here . first they say that men are evil and that only socialism will somehow empower women. now that they have exactly the system that they voted to put into power they feel "unsafe"? i would not dream of insulting them by implying that they needed the help of any man at all . I believe that these strong and empowered women can handle any situation way better than any man . Also the laws they put into place are likely to get any man that tries to help them tossed in jail . The perpetrators will be given a get out of jail free pass . if they are charged with anything at all . why should any man interfere with a system that punishes a man that is trying to help a woman ? i wonder what the strong and empowered women will be voting into power in Germany next .

3 years ago

perfect comment ! Gloria Steinem says : A woman without a man,is like a fish without a bicycle

3 years ago

The problem is woman were allowed out of the kitchen.... the fact they say they “feel unsafe”says a lot. Everything they vote for is for more safety and security which is just more safety. And if I remember someone very wise saying— those who give up freedoms for security... well they are not deserving of them nor will they have either.

3 years ago

Is it a wonder why primarily female voting pimp run institutions end up communistic tyrannical shit holes.

3 years ago

look lady, its over. You fkn tards in Germany voted for a socialist party??!! WTF?! merkel is out which is great but now you go further left? unreal. Not to be too harsh I know you can make fun of the US but man you guys are screwed up on a whole different level. What is it with you euros and socialism? I even heard there is a party over there called liberal conservatism? what the heck does that mean it sounds like a oxymoron. I am sorry there is no hope for you guys if you consistently vote for socialist parties, you guys in Europe lost your only selling point, strong white majorities. Your birthrate is shit all over Europe and you thought you could make room temp iq migrants into workers and now the plan backfired and instead you have to work harder for achmed to have inbred disabled children sleeping with his cousin on your dime. I am at a loss how to help you guys, its like you are sadists. It is so confusing because the Germans I have met here in the US were all brilliant, I dunno perhaps that's why they left. In the US at least there is space where you can just leave the urban area and be left alone, but man where is the reprieve in euro-libtardia? where can a person leave to get away from these tards? A man in sweeden was literally raped by a migrant in the public space and he was sad he had to be deported. Another swedish rapper was "raped with a bottle for six hours" and then was charged with a crime for speaking up in court. Is this what is required in your future? I dunno what will it take to wake you guys up?

3 years ago

Thanks for contributing your comment.


3 years ago

This current European version of the Gordian Knot can be cut asunder with the razor sharp sword of National Socialism. Don't be fooled by the last part of the name. Nazi socialism is NOT like Jewish socialism, which is precisely what is killing White Europe. Nazi socialism orders the social and economic affairs of the nation to serve the legitimate native population. Capitalism serves the shareholders which, if they were native Whites, would be O.K. But, capitalism's fatal flaw is that profit, alone, is its benchmark of success. If it means selling out the legacy White population to make a fast profit, then capitalism is all too eager to sell out. National Socialism puts a hard block on such Jewish mischief. These traits translate over into cultural, artistic, and societal health. National Socialism calls a fucking Jew a JEW and calls a spade, a spade. Only a massive revival of Adolph Hitler and widespread public confession that, HITLER WAS RIGHT!, will get things moving in the right direction.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: i've spent some time in germany and let me tell you, these guys are so far from natsoc, it is only a dream. They do not have free speech their and can be put in jail for promoting nazi ideology. It is not how one would think in germany, it is very libtard their and what is very annoying about it is how they seem to defend it. They are further to the left then the US leftists, in a neo-liberal sense. I also don't understand how importing migrants to be on welfare is capitalism. These subhumans do not work. They are on welfare fornicating with their cousins and trying to rape people. Correlating this to capitalism or the profit motive is way off man. They are not profiting from importing migrants, they are getting thier asses handed to them, its just they need to try to bring in migrants because feminist libtard women will not have kids.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: What is more likely, is that soon, men in germany will begin to be raped in public like in sweden and then just maybe they will begin to wake up. I dunno what else is left for them, i couldnt stand to live there, its such a cucked way of life it is unreal. It is nice to be their for a vacation or a visit, but damn, day to day life must really blow their, feel sorry for those euros but man, they love to talk shit about the US. They are about to be locked down again probably and the people will be in full voluntary support, even the majority of men. It is really pathetic. These guys really don't understand the concept of personal liberty like we do in the USA.


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I'm very aware of the lack of National Socialism in Germany. I brought it up in hopes of stimulating the right kind of ideas to arise in the reader's mind. Decades of brute force ZOG U.S. propaganda have destroyed the German people and I can only hope for my words to find the tiny remnant of real German volk and give them some fiery words to keep their White souls alive. As for capitalism, you're thinking of the old paradigm of the 19th and early-mid 20th century. That kind of capitalism gained profit by the actual creation of tangible wealth and its maintenance. (((Reaganomics))) capitalism is a zero-sum game and equity-stripping exercise. Bringing in the world's human waste is a dead loss in the traditional sense. But, for the NGO's that bring them in, they get lots of stolen wealth from the taxpayers! Whitey took the hit but (((THEY))) showed a profit! Artificially inflating the price of financial instruments and securities is part of the new capitalism. Not one widget was produced and not one new productive job was created. But, the shareholders are making out like bandits! When the (((TRIBE))) and the Shabbos Goyim show a profit from predatory neoliberal policies, that's the new capitalism I'm talking about.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I think what you are saying is right, but most of the white germans unfortunately support socialism! they think the US is an extreme right wing country when in my view it is barely a centrist country that is not capitalist, but a severely mixed economy I mean government spending as a percent of GDP in the US hovers around 40 percent give or take a few. thats not capitalism. I hear what you are saying about this new form of capitalism that is crooked, but this is not really capitalism, I like capitalism which is the free market, but you are right what we have today in the western democracies is a strange mixed up form of anti-white tyranny.


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I just thought of an analogy. The U.S. economy was once like good working code. All the subroutines and shit did their job and things could be adjusted within the established parameters and the architecture. *BUT* because certain minorities and JEWS were not pandered to by the program, the fine balance was disrupted and alien code stuck in and forced to work with lots of "GO TO" commands. Now the whole American system is a clusterfuck of spaghetti code with GO TOs all over the place! When things crash, which is often, you have direct human intervention to simply declare that a function completed and the program reset to pick up where it left off when it crashed. That's why it's hard to say if we're capitalist, communist, socialist, crony capitalism, etc. It is a controlled chaos.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: The US is a mixed economy. A historically capitalist country that is losing ground everyday to degenerate, low iq socialist that want to live off of others for free. Every year that goes by the rich bribe the government for favorable conditions and the poor just then use the government as a middlemen to try to get stuff for free. It would be best if the government bowed out to a paleoconservative point and let the market be free again but there is rarely a case in history where a government has voluntarily given up power it gained. Now the US government has control of the Healthcare and the housing market. There is not much left for them to take. They now fully manipulate the stock market. I would say the country is a mixed economy, but now leans more socialist then capitalist, but not yet as bad as Canada, Australia/NZ or the euro countries, they are all even worse and the people mostly support socialism in those countries much more than the us. There are even mgtows that are socialists, its pathetic at this point they can't see the correlation between socialism and the fall of societies at large.


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: The fatal flaw in the entire American system was clearly seen by President John Adams and later, by Lord Macaulay in 1857. You may already know Adams' contempt for democracy but, Macaulay had a chance to review Adams and confirm it. Here's my favorite money quote from a long letter he wrote about the fatal flaws: ... "Your Constitution is all sail and no anchor. As I said before, when a society has entered on this downward progress, either civilization or liberty must perish. Either some Caesar or Napoleon will seize the reins of government with a strong hand; or your Republic will be as fearfully plundered and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was in the fifth; with this difference, that the Huns and Vandals, who ravaged the Roman Empire, came from without, and that your Huns and Vandals will have been engendered within your country by your own institutions."

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