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Get Off Child Support by Writ of Quo Warranto [ By What Authority?]

22 Views • 08/31/23
erick rendoza
erick rendoza
144 Subscribers

Email [email protected] if interested and will explain the Donation to Paypal <br>Do not email to ask questions about child support because i will not answer any more unless a donation is made. <br>This writ of Quo Warranto is a powerful weapon demanding the child support people and courts to show authority to issue support orders.

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1 year ago

the authority would have to come from the bill of rights and the constitution, but you cannot really use the constitution in this case since it does not specifically cover this and the legalese uses that to make the constitution obsolete in the cases of divorce even though it is stealing...

also the bill of rights does not really go into anything regarding divorce since divorce itself is or was setup to be a punishment for both parties involved to disuade people from being stupid in the first place...

that is also why you are supposed to swear ON THE BIBLE when you are sworn in to testify, because the court in this country has no authority without god (that is the way it is meant to be) but since separation of christianity and state here we are, corruption in ALL facets of the gov. and the entire country is up shit creek without a paddle...

erick rendoza
erick rendoza
1 year ago

in court today i have never seen a bible and oath of office where is that?

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