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Global warming hoax - old and relevant information
• 08/28/22
80 Subscribers
Although this video was recorded years ago, it is as actual as if it had been recorded today.
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2 years ago
"If you assume everything is bullshit, you'll save lots of time and be rarely ever wrong." -Red Maple
2 years ago
2 years ago
CO2 is necessary for life to flourish and for it to even exist in the first place.
2 years ago
2 years ago
it does not take a scientist to realize the global cooling/warming/change stuff is a bunch of bullshit...
it only takes logic, intelligence, a little common sense, and understanding how basic weather works....
local weather is effected by national weather is effected by global weather is effected by solar weather....
the only climate change or global weather is effected by the sun and solar flares and sometimes by meteors or other things that can affect the magnetic poles.
2 years ago