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Gov. DeSantis Sues Biden Admin for Unconstitutionally Acting Against Florida’s Higher Ed System

12 Views • 06/22/23
18 Subscribers

Governor DeSantis announces a lawsuit against the Biden Administration for unconstitutionally acting against Florida’s higher education system.

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2 years ago

Ron is a fucking traitor who bends the knee to the filthy Jews. This faggot loving piece of shit is not worthy enough to be an American president if he can't even stick to American principles and allows foreign enemies to influence him. Spineless parasite who dances around pretending to care about our country. When we should be tough on all these ungrateful shithole countries that have their hand out for our money or are sending able bodied adults to invade our country. This is an act of war!!

These filthy fucking Jews are funding the invasion of colored to erase the whites. And pushing alphabet mafia propaganda to poison the minds of your children. I knew there was something off about this son of a bitch. Just like the constitution breaking bitch Trump who is for red flag laws and blames video games on mass shootings. Shut the country down over a fucking flu and killed small businesses all so we can allow big pharma to make tons of money and to consolidate all the business to the big corp. All while we still allow the FDA to get away with allowing banned chemicals in our foods and allowing for mRNA vaccines to be put into our meats. Ron isn't going to do a fucking thing to stop any of this! Pussy can't even stand up to the Jews. This is the United State of America!!!! Founded for and by white Europeans! Boo fucking hoo this country is mainly white, no shit! So quit this pandering to appeal to the ungrateful minorities that hate our culture and hate white people!!!

We need a president who isn't controlled opposition that is willing to actually protect this country from these evil parasites. This pinko commie political correctness is making people soft and destroying our culture for the sake of appealing to delusional freaks who should be in an asylum or executed for sexually abusing children or murdering Asians/whites because it's some how okay to be racist towards us.

2 years ago

@RonDeSantis #RonDeSantis Mr. / Mister / Master ? Sir / Sire ? <--- which ever makes your day :)

@Trump #Trump @DonaldJohnTrump #DonaldJohnTrump is My Buddy. :)

Are You My Buddy, Ron.? I Do Hope So. :)

Question I Have For You. Pretty Simple. No Explanation Required Of Course.

Why Not Be Trumps Vice President for One Term & Then President with @JohnJr as Your Vice President.?

You Do Realize That as Vice You Would Have The Upper Hand as President of Congress.

I Tell Ya What If I Qualified You Could Appoint Me as Vice President, Yet I Am Known Lawfully The PRICK

Of The Family, & Most Likey Since I Not Give a Hoot For Stupid Ass $scourge$ as I Do Not Require Such DEBT Crap.

Have a Great Day,
Darryl Gene; family Harcourt & Hobart

Executor & Private Individual Banker :)

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