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Greta got it wrong!

15 Views • 03/24/23
190 Subscribers

I posted this bevause it connects with something I read this morning on MSN news. i have windows 10 and when I put the PC on I get this pop up news feed from Microsoft Edge. Right at the top of the list the first article is "The South coast of thew UK to be hit by massice Tsunami in day's"? I actually didn't bother reading it because what with Text Message 4 min warnings on Nuke attacks and fake Alien Invasions that plan to shoot down aircraft, i wasn't going to waste my time and I have better things to do. Do these CUNT's realize just how ridiculoua they actually sound? I know when I leave and go out beyond my front door there are plenty of Fuck wit's and psychotic idiots about, but do THEY, the WEF and all the other lunatic's REALLY believe they have us living in FEAR? Fuck off, it's not the world that has gone insane, just the politicians and other bloated pricks with delusional minds! lol! Mind you if the South Coast of the UK is getting a Tsunami, IO need to find my beach trunks and a beach towel! even though I do live in Berkshire some 80 miles from the coast, and I'm ready for my Text message to say take a breath a Tsunami is coming! lol! Personally i turn my Mobile on when I want to use it, I'm also starting to use Alt Media less now and Lamestrean Media NOT at all.

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