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Grim's Hentai Corner: Grim Spoils The Entire Plot Of Euphoria! (SFW)

51 Views • 10/08/21
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
263 Subscribers

Game: Euphoria (MangaGamer)

Can't be arsed to play the game? Afraid of the extreme hentai scenes preventing you from enjoying a solid mystery plot? Well, Grim's got you covered. In this hour, I will explain the entire plot of Clock Up's Euphoria.


1. Most people only saw the hentai. The issue with this is that the hentai is heavily butchered and misses the point. You can't cover the 4-5 hour true end alone within the six OVA episodes released.

2. The amount of sexual scenes in the beginning of the game could be a major turn-off point for many people. They're quite over the top. However, an entire story with a memorable conclusion are definitely found here with the amount of sexual scenes drastically decreasing up until the end. Conspiracy fans will love the deeper explanation of what is really going on here.

So I hope this will either explain the whole plot to you or make you interested enough to skip those h-scenes so that you can get to the good stuff. Dialogue in-between the H-scenes is useful to the plot, but very rarely is the dialogue during the H-scenes.


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