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Grim's Visual Novel Corner: Sakuranomori Dreamers Pt.2

29 Views • 08/08/21
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
263 Subscribers

Game: Sakuranomori Dreamers (MangaGamer)

Previously Only Available On Bitchute!

I actually like this part better. Sakuranomori Dreamers is a horror visual novel and it gets rather grisly. Maybe you didn't expect that, but it was also a welcome surprise for me. The ending is sad, but this is only the beginning.

Yes, the visual novel just got started and I'm ready to dive further into this abyss.

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2 years ago

Damn. That was sad. I knew once she was alone she'd die. I mean at least they kissed and confessed. I think this is going to be a Psychic or Spirit talker detective story. I think the bodies he had seen were artifacts of horrific crimes. Those monsters might be observers or Grim Reapers. Having been touched by death, he can see them. I thought there was supposed to be sex?

Grim Lord's Games & Rants

Wow. This is the second video I ever did as far as VN coverage goes. Sakuranomori Dreamers is not an adult content heavy game. All the sex scenes are right near the end of the story. They mostly suck too. I love this for it's story, not the sex. That's the worst part of it. But it is a great fucking horror novel.

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