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Grim Articles & Rants (10/6/21) Ninja Attacks Military Base! What Timeline Are We In!?

40 Views • 10/06/21
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
263 Subscribers

Game: The Evil Within

Tonight on our spooky Halloween edition of The Grim Articles & Rants Show, we will be discussing what looks to be a promo for Ninja Gaiden 4! That's the only thing that would make a Ninja attack on a military base believable. The assailant soon learned it was not quite as easy as the video games made it look.

Also, we have some Coof and jab news, as well as an article about a Tik Tok Star who transported illegals across the border. These goddamn kids, I tell ya!

Stay tuned after the articles for a rant. But you're going to get plenty of those anyway.


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