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Grim Rants: Comics Aren't Dead Yet, The Mainstream Isn't The Entire Market!

46 Views • 09/26/21
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
Grim Lord's Games & Rants
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Game: Fearmonium (Steam)

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3 years ago

Comics are pretty-much dead, the big two are soul-less husks of former greatness, the main indy companies like Image and Dark Horse have lost dozens of properties (ESPECIALLY Dark Horse!), and gems like BrZrKr and Usagi Yojimbo can't support the whole damn industry.
Manga, on the other hand, is doing fantastic, mainly because they do Not cater to fucking assholes that wouldn't buy their works in the first place.

Grim Lord's Games & Rants

A lot of things still thrive in the indie space though. As long as people keep supporting independent creators, it won't die. Just because comics are dead in the mainstream does not mean that comics are dead altogether. And you have guys like RGE keeping that scene alive. Indie labels are still doing well and comics are still coming out.


3 years ago

Yes... but...the (((Mainstream))) decides what goes into the archives for future reference. Look at how quickly stuff simply disappears from the internet and how sophisticated the search engines are able to prevent you from finding Forbidden Material.

Lots and lots of variety and the Truth can be found.... for now. Ten years from now, you won't be able to find any MGTOW, Red Pill, or Black Pill stuff. The servers and platforms that hold them will be gone and the cloud will have long since purged anything that doesn't conform to the Jew Mind Virus. People have the memory of a goldfish and that will play in very nicely to what (((THEY))) will allow you to look up in the future.

Yes, some paper books will exist but, they will be burned as articles of White Supremacy and Racism. Books are racist, dontcha know? And they will be burned! Especially books that don't toe the (((Party Line))). I'm sure that trashy romance novels will be allowed to survive a bit longer but, even they will be burned for being cis-gendered fantasy and almost always featuring Whites.

Grim Lord's Games & Rants

I was with you until Jew Mind Virus. Klaus Schwab is German and right now he poses a large threat than anything else. Don't get me wrong, there is an elite. But the problem in many communities is that they assume the elite to be of one ethnicity, which is just not true. While the Rothschilds and Rockefellers might indeed be Jewish, we are forgetting about other men like Schwab and still even others around the world, possibly even Arabic, Asian, Indian and Hispanic who could be running things from the inside. It makes no sense to have one ethnicity control the whole world. TFM mocks the Jew stuff and I don't care for it much either. Instead of putting everything on one group of people, especially when you have Jews like Halsey News Network which is incredibly based, it might be better to call it a "Global Elite Mind Virus." Which makes more sense.


3 years ago

@Grim Lords Games And Rants: We are living in dangerous times where you cannot be willfully ignorant about the Jews. Klaus Schwab IS A JEW and a typically malignant Jew at that. Do your homework. Always do the biographic checks when investigating infamous persons at high levels.... or any level where social harmony is being disrupted. The Jews OPENLY DEMAND WHITE GENOCIDE. I have a huge file of prominent Jews, both rabbis and secular, showing the irrefutable PROOF of what Jews are calling for and how they are going about it. It is irrefutable because it comes straight from (((THEM))). "Global Elites" are virtually all Jewish. Some Shabbos Goyim but, no "regular" persons are in that club. As for TFM, he is part-Jewish and is doing a grave disservice to his listeners who need to know the source of the feminist plague that has ruined their lives and futures.

Grim Lord's Games & Rants

@InfiniteMushroom: Klaus Schwab is German, I just looked that up. And I'm not sure what I am on my mother's side of the family. I may very well have Jewish blood as well. Being that men like Howard Stern and Mel Brooks had a lot of influence in my life, I can't be part of this anti-Jew thing. DP is part Jewish and German. I'm not going to alienate an entire race of people because of some who are very bad eggs and are using their status to destroy humanity.


3 years ago

@Grim Lords Games And Rants: Have you seen Klaus Schwab's wedding pics? He is the FACE of Jewry. His resume and activities are typical of elite Jews in high places. The pdf of Davos is a long read but, if you don't know the symptoms of globalist /Zionist activity, the deeper information will be lost on you. Dig a little deeper.... if you dare..... Elite Jews often scrub their internet presence but, I know how to uncloak (((THEM))). KS was with (((Henry Kissinger))) for many years and you don't hang out with Kissinger unless your a ZIONIST JEW. It also says everything when Jewish publications list you as a victim of anti-Semitism. As for not alienating an entire race, I have YET to find a Jew who was against the idea of White Genocide. Even when (((THEY))) don't explicitly say it, their endless calls for more 3rd World immigration, racial integration, popularizing of mudsharking, and demonization of White Men by media figures (always Jewish) means that ALL JEWS deserve the same blanket beating. BTW, if you are Jewish, then you belong to the world's oldest and largest crime family. It's understandable that a cockroach will never think ill of his own kind. But, they will be SPRAYED as the pests they are!!!

3 years ago

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3 years ago


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