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Guy Stuff Review: Jelg2grow Jelqing Balm (Sponsored)

186 Views • 03/30/23
T.F. Monkey
T.F. Monkey
4,110 Subscribers

25% off code: TURDMONKEY <br>Product: <br> <br>Jelqing Community: <br>Jelqing Coaching: <br> <br>Background Music: &quot;Fingers&quot; by Otis McDonald. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

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Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
2 years ago

idk... There is no way to increase the size of your penis. You only have what Nature gave you.
I have worked outside in the elements, in wet conditions. I find a pumice stone (while in the shower) and "bag balm" to work well on rough callused skin on your hands and feet.

Women and business prey on men and our insecurities in order to get us to give them our money.

2 years ago

I on the whole agree, but I remember reading years ago about a surgical procedure for men born with micro penis that involved cutting some of the tendons at the base of the penis resulting in some of the shaft that is normally encased within the body to protrude increasing the external length. God knows what the long term problems might be though, you'd have to pretty desperate or stupid. I'd be afraid my dick would fall off.

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
2 years ago

@atomic: I've heard of this procedure as well. The results can be negligible. This isn't like a breast augmentation surgery. This is your penis. Chances are if you have a small penis, there are other genetic markers that disqualify you from female pre-election. If a guy has to go through extremes to get a small percentage increase in SMV, it is over to begin with. There is this term called "blood ocean" where the competition is so cutthroat because most of the competition is already doing what you are to compete, however, they are already ahead of you because they have a inherent advantage to begin with. The competition gets so fierce it "turns the ocean red, with blood. What I'm suggesting is: if you already posess genetic markers that women preselect for, you are competitive on a level that most men will NEVER attain.


2 years ago

@sardonicsmile: yeah mgtow men don't have to worry about having a small dick. Why am I even telling you this im just preaching to the choir lol

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