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Heaven is gynocentric MGTOW

10 Views • 12/24/20
for_Archangel Liberation_Y
for_Archangel Liberation_Y
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4 years ago

Just a shorter comment to summarize my other long ass comment. So my point is that we are fighting an avalanche of simping which has accumulated over centuries if not millennia (I am sure some men in past also fought it). So my conclusion is the same as in the video basically before watching it. Simping has always been there and arguably increased over time so we are fighting an avalanche. If men somehow woke up as a whole then we could get gender relations back to harmony but women are playing the destructive role still so maybe if they somehow wokeup and realized they need to be more selfless then that would help too. Maybe humanity is gonna have a spiritual awakening slowly but surely but who knows?

4 years ago

I don't think you, nor, will ever experience females concerned with honest inter-sexual relations. Archangel, and many MGTOW, attribute this to ''hypergamy". From my point of view the notion of hypergamy excuses their love of indulgence by reducing this conduct to a Darwinian derivation. I have listened to a great deal of ArchAngels' content. I like almost all his points and delivery. An important point that Beck tries to drive home is that of men as a product of creation. The starting point is to become aware that all creation has the same beauty, there is nothing disgusting about a male or, more importantly...a males genitials. NO HOMO HERE

4 years ago

@ancientsea: Yeah I watched some of his vids before and just recently subbed and watching more and more of his vids and they are straight fire. Yeah I agree with you and get all your points but I am trying to frame my conclusions in a practical sense and see if other guys have things to enlighten me with. So my thinking is that any trait can be socially engineered. If we as a society could at least keep a lid on hypergamy we would be moving in the right direction but that ship has long sailed today for sure. Plus we don’t know what good we would be doing in the long run anyways, say if hypergamy is not ever going way. In the past what was done on halting hypergamy should have theoretically either taken it out or decreased it evolutionarily (which is such a slow process anyways). So basically it is so deep engrained in women as a core attribute that it seems is not going away and we will have to deal with it. Of course it is a trait so some women will be more hypergamous than others. That’s why I wonder, is simping so deeply ingrained in men like hypergamy is in women. Like some are naturally gonna be super simp and some men will naturally be averted to it. If that is the case then we are fucked. It just seems that we as humans have deeply ingrained pro and con traits and we don’t know how static they are. It just looks like solutions are hard to come by from the way I see things in a practical sense. Like if we as humans diverted from our natural place of harmony that would be one thing. But if we have built in flaws that make it impractical to fix, then we have to deal with it. I don’t think ushering in a robot revolution will fix us or retain the good aspects of our humanity. I’m still learning and researching but haven’t come across real solutions besides the idea of mgtow. But mgtow for me is a path and a peaceful place to reflect and find better solutions for myself and society. I’m still looking for solutions because we are all being negatively impacted/affected by what’s going on, especially once our societies start to go down the toilet(by the looks of it). It’s one thing to have knowledge but without finding solutions and taking that step we as strong men haven’t achieved our purpose. We are supposed to be the leaders and kings of our species.

4 years ago

I am a spiritual atheist. The way i see it nature naturally dictates that women cant live at all without men

4 years ago

Sorry for the long reply but I had to put out my thoughts there to see if you guys agree. To make my point, I’m gonna play devils advocate in the first part of my response since that’s the common narrative. So if that what you said about natural law is true(which i personally agree with) it wouldn't line up with the social ideas of men being expendible. Going back to the example of the titanic. If men are expendible and one man can get many women pregnant it doesn't mean he can take care of them all. This means the idea that men should only fight wars or be expendible doesn't make sense. If on average one man can only take care of one woman and nature dictates something like that then social ideas are completely wrong. People tend to think men are expendible because nature made it that way but that has to be a trick. One man can't take care of many women unless that man robbed and looted other men's resources so its not in harmony or actually for the best of our species. So again the whole alpha beta ranking based on men's expendibility doesn't line up with nature. Unless we think we are low animals who follow pack mentality. If we are above that but are oppressing ourselves into thinking that then it means humanity was not ment to live in animal paradigms but many people adhere to that still. This would mean there is an artificial nefarious agenda. Most of these social dogmas actually are supported by women cause they don't care how men duke it out as long as they survive and are taken care of even if they are in a harem. So really women are holding the species back and following animalistic laws. If anything only men can bring peace, but that starts with refusing our expendability as a gender not just for our individual selves. Men still haven't held women accountable or responsible since we as a whole are agreeing with their false narrative (that they need to be taken care of at the expense of men). I agree they need to be taken care of to a degree since women won't survive without men but they abused their weakness and used it as a bargaining chip. When they wanna seem needy they play the damsel and when they wanna take over they say strong independent woman. So men haven't held women responsible equally according to their strength and weakness (what they can bring to the table equitably) and we men as a whole still accept we have put in more than 50-50 in any era it seems. Men put in more than 50-50 and we brought civilization to this advancement but we sacrificed too much since women are destroying it easily now. It's easier to destroy than build. So again clearly mean putting in more than 50-50 has not worked out as society only advances until it crumbles again. It’s the endless cycle we are in. Who is to say this time civilization will even pickup again, things are not looking good. So the root cause of the problem is imbalance and simping. Men have voluntarily enslaved themselves. We say we are stronger and can provide but at the same time we say women are weak and need to be protected but in effect we become slaves to the “weak”. Men have to stick to principle as a whole and not give more than we are taking, it's not helping the species, it is not solving our problems. It's not the best way obviously. If men haven't learned by now and if things keep getting worse then we are to blame for enabling women to put our species at risk (cumulative result overtime). By taking a leadership role and putting in more effort over the ages, women have actually used that against men. They didn't put in good faith. So men need to shame women into putting in their effort and both genders need to pitch in. Men can and should lead(we have to direct) but it doesn't also mean we have to do all the work. Like I said women won't survive without our guidance so we need to order them to do the work that they are strong in and that they need to do to pitch in. Also we can’t enable them to work and just keep all their earnings which is what is happening. In the times of hunters and gatherers women used to harvest and gather and men hunted. Both worked and provided and risked their lives and helped out according to their strengths. Somewhere down the line sipping took over, many times in the disguise as a hero. And nowadays we have women working in masculine jobs (keeping most their earnings) and also expecting men to support them. Basically what has been happening is extortion in different forms over history so that women ensure their survival and their genes survival. Studies showed most women passed their genes but less men passed them on in history, we know the real causes. It’s because women used their manipulation and that is the result, history was deadly because men fought each other, more deadly than any natural or animal threat. The evolutionary pressure on men made them better, so besides good looks/sex/fuckable women have no value. They manipulated us into taking care of them more than necessary but at the same time it made men smarter stronger etc but we haven’t broken the drive as a whole to simp to women. So here we are, we have to have a disclaimer if we are gonna take care of women they have to put in a lot of effort too. Where can they do that in having kids, raising kids, not being hypergamous, no one shames them. They won’t shame themselves so men should do it, instead men are still simping as a whole. Even the so called alphas/chads are actually slaves to pussies. They have no legacy, no power, no say, no vision. They are actually simps too but to a lesser degree since they get sex easier but still sacrifice their gender for it if you think about it deeply. Somewhere in the past women manipulated men into sipping and they fed into that, actually the simps have been taking over since then slowly. Think about it, even the story of the trojan war was just some major sipping event if you see it objectively. Like if a women backstabbed you, you wouldn’t still have her in high regard, certainly not enough to risk your army and city-state to perish. That’s my point, simping has always been there but it took the guise of alpha/beta or whatever but its all simping. Sure women compete for men but are they willing to die for it? Us men accept death for it, we internalized this over time. So there are two possibilities, first is either that we are just animalistic and levels of simping was always within us as a male species. Or option 2 is that we always had human values/essence since the caveman ages(our DNA is mostly similar) but women kept us in the simping/alpha-beta paradigm (and further weaponized and spread it) dragging gender relations down even as we technologically advanced(thanks to males). IMO, regardless of the cause we as men can break out of it as a whole and we should hold women to account more and that itself will kill out the simping. Also to shame and call out simping in men will be the first step actually. Once men as a whole don’t simp then it forces women to give 50-50. Women can do the automated mundane tasks, raising children and teens properly and not have to take leadership roles. Men have to dictate the roles to men and women equitably and fairly and usher in peace. All the previous systems failed, religions failed but I truly believe that a divine source being God gave us the guidelines for it but men didn’t follow it, they were mislead by women. The holy teachings say what I am saying, the formula is there but the masses didn’t follow it because they all pandered to women are were diluted down to nothingness. True men that are leaders not the simps we have ruling all the governments and pandering to women and destroying civilization. I am not with the idea of robots, against AI/5G. It can only bring more harm than good because uour society won’t use it for good. Look at how much tech we have yet we are miserable, it’s cause the root cause of gender relations and our humanity is not remedied.

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