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Heir Boris forms his own Hitler Youth - Zig Hil Heir Shitehausen!
This mad old Etonian CUNT is getting to deluded for everyones own good?They have already weaponized thwe NHS just like the NAZI's did with Germany's Heaqlth Care system, now they are creating a quizling Youth to snitch on their parentsd to teacher dioe the Government? a British Patriotic Song? WTF is there to be patriotic for in a fast becoming communist state? They can stuff their "Build Back Btter" up their fat rich psycho arses? lol! Credit's to Carl Vernon and his YT Channel well worth a look. Ta Ta.
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4 years ago
Joris Bonson is a fkn disgrace of a human, let alone a PM .. complete fkn twatwaffle
4 years ago
Boris forgot the Swastika Armbands. Boris, your no Hitler!!!
4 years ago