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Here's what was discussed at the WEF annual meeting

17 Views • 05/27/22
Jess Sosnoski
Jess Sosnoski
200 Subscribers

⁣Here's what was discussed at the WEF annual meeting <br>Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media &amp; video sites... -

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3 years ago

1000+ 81mm mortar rounds on the building when they are meeting would fix the problems they helped to create. The Universe sends warriors into each generation to fight (((THEM))) and their minions but, they have to be summoned to an awareness that compels them to take action. Such Great Men have the breeding, training, and situation available to them. That includes being able to recruit and mobilize other fighters into a tough guerrilla force. The Unction from millions of anxious souls awakens them to their true mission while on the Earth.

I see polished Mercedes limos just driving through with no threat to their security. They meet in a building with no threat to their security. In a just world, such evil elites could be exterminated quite easily.

Unfortunately, the West is crippled by generations which are spiritually poisoned by JEWdeo-Xtianity (formerly known as Christianity). The West is full of brain-dead GOLEMS robbed of their survival instincts. You would think that our collective racial immune system would break through the decades of Jewish filth and drive us to fight the Jew Mind Virus that has polluted the body-politic to the point of death! Alas, (((TPTB))) meet and determine our fate in perfect safety.

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