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Hidden Finances, Secret Technology
• 05/29/21
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4 years ago
Seen on archive radio freedom channels
4 years ago
4 years ago
I went to the doctor yesterday for a Blood Pressure check as I apparently am just diabetic? being the old fart I am! I became cocerned instantly when this Guy took my pressure on a table top monitor then said it wasn''t working properly and didn't show me the result. He then took me to another room with a machine you put your arm in to do the BP test. after 3 attempts the machine gave 3 different readings on every time. He then prescribed BP tablets to me. I won't be taking them and I'll take my chances on not taking the diabetic drug's either that by the way have made me very ill within day's of now trying 3 different types and densities? I live in the UK and I believe that the NHS is corrupt to the core because big pharma is gonna make a fortune out of making people ill. now I'm a rational Guy I don't do FEAR BUT I am now after nearly 18 months of deceit going to start following my intuition. If I die by NOT taking this shit then I don't mind, after all the last 18 months has robbed most of any kind of worthwhile living standard! lol! All my egg's are in the basket for next time round if there is such a thing? If there isn't well it isn't gonna be my concern! lol!
4 years ago
4 years ago