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High Value Men Don't Want These Women?

1 Views • 09/28/21
20 Subscribers

Do women want and desire men at the lower end of the financial spectrum? <br> <br>Deshawn <br> <br>2 hours ago <br>43 subscribers <br> <br>Introduction 00:00 <br>Pre show songs. Current Mood by Gregory David <br>3:08 Vapour by Osoku <br>5:44 Homeless Soul by Fleur Douces <br>8:42 Dusty Conscience by Matt Large <br>11:03 Getting Tipsy by Fox Morrow <br>13:13 Keep on talking by Lionel Quick <br>15:30 Current mood by Gregory David <br>18:21 Good lies by Vividry <br>21:28 Show starts <br>22:34 Candle of the evening Calone 17 by Le Labo, Fragrance of the day 34 boulevard Saint Germain Eau de Parfum <br>23:51 fragrance of the evening BENJOIN BOHÈME EAU DE PARFUM <br>25:14 Pray for MTR <br>30:10 Is it the tone??? High Value man breakdown <br>36:05 She's already been imprinted <br>38:00 Get the likes up theme song <br>39:45 On the way to being a Henry <br>41:00 Ladies, are you a prize for a man? <br>41:50 HVM don't want... <br>58:00 Your going to have to risk to get out of the game <br>1:09:00 Women didn't start thinking about marriage until 30 <br>1:14:47 Money world theme song <br>1:16:03 1st Caller Paulette age 27 and 1/2 <br>1:27:50 2nd Caller Erica age 31 <br>1:39:50 3rd Caller Damayanti age 41 <br>1:50:20 4th Caller Attorney ExcitedImAPhD age 27 <br>2:00:00 Men are not your girlfriends <br>2:07:30 5th Caller Jen age 27 <br>2:20:18 Instagram post <br>2:26:35 Closing words <br>2:40:00 Closing song

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