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40 Views • 04/09/23
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1 year ago

Interesting... I know of Baphomet, I call it the goat headed tranny god to which all trannies are dedicated whether they know it or not. I suspected it was related to Capricorn I knew Alister Crowley the evil bastard pedophile used or rebranded it and its connection to the Knights Templar and that Pike was one of hell of Satanists but not these were all connected. The Goat of Mendes is a new aspect to me... it might be able to be traced further back than I thought. If this is connected to cult of Mithras, another competing Salvation or Mystery Cult of Antiquity, then we might be more fucked than I previously determined. Cult of Mithras has Bathes houses through Europe ad in England where centuries or legions were station and even more influence on all of the UK. England is or rather had the responsibility for much of our "Freedoms" today and Free Societies, though the Cathedral is trying to diminish them. Because of England, the US and Canada were allowed to be created.

I have known that Freemasons were connected to the Knights Templar and responsible for America as well as our Presidents-- George Washington could not be president until he joined the Freemason and Benjamin Franklin toured Europe as a Freemason celebrity. The stage and the long march to Tribulation and Armageddon are more set or "completed" than I assessed, but worry not until China and Russia attack Israel creating "cities of the dead," which will be buried in the sand or dirt likely due to chemical or nuclear warfare. Once this event passes, Tribulation is on the horizon, which I strongly suspect will be happening between to Blood moons-- the seven years between them. Damn, this is the ancient knowledge that needs to be more widespread and understood, but with the Left infiltrating our education system dumbing it down and using it to indoctrinate unsuspecting students into their cults, We have became an UnGodly Nation... Add into that, they are purposefully mistranslating the Bible and soon will be deleting the Book of Revelations which is the roadmap of their "Rise to power" before The God of Israel destroys us-- everything physical. There will be few of us to question and see through this power grab, which is starting as the Green Movement ie the Climate Change Hoax and Fifteen Minute Cities. Our climate is a direct result of the sun's solar output not "our environmental effect."

1 year ago

I just realized recently that the Hebrew Goddess Ashereh, the wife of God and also the Tree of Life, was merged with Canaanite goddess Ashtaroth, the wife of Baal or Baalim (as the Bible named him.) Ashereh was merged with the witch goddess Asharoth likely when the Hebrews pushed their matriarchial side out and removed Ashereh, which I deducted may be why women today hate us men so much from milinnias of bottled up hatred.

1 year ago


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