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Hospital From Hell - Live From Billy's Bunker # 22

30 Views • 10/31/22
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⁣Join me on a real ghost hunting adventure!

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This is good..... All this amazing architecture - take out the people and the maintenance and it does not seem to age that well.

Oddly enough, the microphone in the modern smart phone is actually very sensitive, and with some preamplifation software, they can be pushed to hear ants walking - almost.

AND you can get small preamplified electret microphones AND you can also fit parabolic dishes to them....

I have built gear that can pick up the sound of dogs barking at 5 Km... and IF I had of been prepared to make the better gear - under absolutely optimum conditions - I think I could have picked up a human voice at 30 Km.....

That set up gets kind of large and has more in common with the deep space radio network than anything hand held....

But you can pull really really faint signals in you local surroundings into really clear signals.... IF you can naturally concetrate the signal AND can then amplify it from there.

Also with all this haunted shit - sometimes, there are other creatures in these places... like cats, foxes, rats etc, and sometimes it comes about that with the average rate of things falling apart, bits and pieces just happen to fall off, while your near by.

2 years ago

Yes I was surprised at how well the phone mic picked up things. Imagine if I had a better mic! And yes I do agree that there could be animals making some sounds and perhaps just stuff falling from decay but man, there was a lot of sounds that I think can't be explained so easily.


@Billy Von Bomb: These make excellent pre-amplified microphones... Add on a large hole hyperbolic dish for natural sound boost, to the audio signal strength, and you get tremenous gain - and feed that through the preamplifier and you have staggering amounts of signal boost.... Got to watch the input levels though - when a centipedes foot steps are so boosted they sound like a snare drum, then avoid slapping the mosquito on your face - it's the accoustic equivalent of an A bomb going off.... This is good - and cheap and they are battery driven and circuit based.... I can teach you how to REALLY pull signals out of thin air with them.


@Billy Von Bomb: Yeah there were heaps of dead people in the video - I could see them and hear them.

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