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Hot Young Ukrainian Women Are Moving West & Western Women Are In Panic Mode! - MGTOW

684 Views • 04/04/22
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Dennis and here's what he has to say: "Greetings Sandman! I`m currently in Warsaw, Poland, helping Ukrainian refugees because I`m part Ukrainian. I stay at the apartment with students who study in Poland. Today, in the common kitchen I had interesting conversation happened, full of red flags. The conversation was with my female roommate from Greece, who was describing the situation with Ukrainian women entering Greece. And how Greek men all over social media platforms are willing and ready to accept HOT, YOUNG, WET, blue eyed and blond haired Ukrainian women to their homes. The Great Sex Migration, so to speak. My roommate was not very happy by telling me this story, and I think I know why. Greek women are scared of heavy competition in sexual-market, on tinder, casual encounters, etc. Obviously, they don`t want their men to upgrade to a better model and rather keep them instead. They are in panic mode! Ukrainian women, on the other hand are ready to compete with all EU women, and most likely to stay quiet until they get their papers." Well Dennis thanks for the donation and topic. Notice how women didn't complain when aggressive and masculine middle eastern male refugees flooded in by the millions into Western Europe five years ago but now it's a different story when more feminine and seemingly submissive women flood in from the east. Suddenly they start spinning the tale about how there's a war in Ukraine but it's women that are the most effected and not the Ukrainian men. Russia is invading Ukraine but Ukrainian men can't leave. Yet Ukrainian thots are leaving for other parts of Europe creating competition in the sexual marketplace in Grece. It would be like a massive influx of Giga Chads moving into America all of a sudden. The incels would lose their minds even more because there would be even harder them to get attention from women. It wouldn't be Chad and Stacey that would be their mortal enemies but Chad, Vlad and Stacey. For women in Greece the only invasion that matters is the Ukrainian women coming into their country. If that woman is venting her frustration to you then you know it's a serious issue. They are probably most worried that they will have to up their standards of beauty to compete with such women. Maybe that was the plan all along. To get a new influx of females into the west by creating a refugee crisis? The Bosnian war led to a lot of attractive Slavic women moving to Sweden and Canada. But the Bosnian population was only a couple of million souls. There are forty million people in Ukraine. So in theory there might be five to ten million refugees flooding into western countries. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Stoic Indifference:

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13 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

Go die fighting Russia
by the way we're taking all of your young women so if you survive (globalist laughs) there won't be any more women in your country
Isn't the NWO fantastic? Don't you Ukrainians just love what the NWO is giving you?
IF yes IF you Ukrainian men survive,you can all be gay because you won't have women in your country anymore
So go on,go die so the rich globalists can fuck all your women


2 years ago

It speaks volumes when we must turn away quality White women to save them from the JEW FILTH that has ruined this country. BTW, how does anybody say the Pledge of Allegiance any more? Who can pledge allegiance to an insane and malevolent Zionist-controlled country that is at war with its own citizens; especially against the Straight White Men who made it great? I stopped flying the U.S. flag years ago.

Even if we threw caution to the wind and welcomed in these Ukrainian women, the *FUCKING KIKE JEWS* would turn them away BECAUSE THEY'RE WHITE. Thanks to George HW Bush, he signed the 1990 Immigration Act into law like the spineless coward that he was. In that Act was a key provision called the DIVERSITY VISA Program. It was Affirmative Action on steroids for immigrants. We were required to find and import hordes of brown and black immigrants from the 3rd World and turn away White immigrants from Europe and the U.K. What we didn't fly over, JEWS, Catholic, and even Mormon NGOs pressured Congress to keep the borders open for the unwholesome brown flood. All to satisfy the demands of the DIVERSITY VISA Program and the JEWISH social engineering agenda that's been in play for almost 60 years.

Say YES to anti-Semitism. The deprogramming and survival of the West depends on it.

2 years ago

I just wish the nuclear war happens. If every major city and every military base gets nuked we will finally be free of this government. Please Russia,start the nuclear war nothing of value will be lost


2 years ago

@TheDemonKing: I had a revelation regarding nuclear war. I was watching videos on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, how it happened, and the expected long term outcome. The question was raised about comparing Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Chernobyl and why those Japanese cities weren't turned into barren moonscapes -- as compared to the immediate area around Chernobyl? The answer: nuclear weapons contain VERY SMALL quantities of fissile material. They destroy by creating massive atmospheric overpressure and those high pressure waves of air is what actually destroys stuff. The heat does play a role near the blast. The radioactive part is actually very limited. With Chernobyl, you're talking about TONS of radioactive stuff! Some of the material has relatively short half lives and only the Plutonium and Uranium waste has long half-lives. In other words, if Russia launched a nuke at some Ukrainian command center to retaliate for the destruction of its heavy cruiser, Moskva, it would flatten whatever it was supposed to flatten. There would only be a limited radioactive zone and would be nothing in comparison to the Chernobyl accident. If nothing else, it would show Putin's resolve to neutralize the Zionist cancer at Russia's throat and that Putin is ready to go to the mat to stop (((GLOBOHOMO))) from encroaching into Russia via Ukraine.

2 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Exactly! People believe the scare tactic that nuclear armaments will forever destroy the world with fallout.....but that's simply not true! All that would happen is all the SJW marxist commies in the cities would die and all the SJW marxist commies in teh military would also die,all exploded in a giant explosion. And everyone else would be absolutely fine our lives would only get better! bring it on,let the globalists all nuke each other into oblivion we'll just rebuild a better future after our enemies all kill each other! Glad to know other people are actually researching how these nukes function

2 years ago

The age of beautiful Ukrainian women are over that now that they are moving to the west. They will be even more influenced by western culture becoming even more feminist, getting fat, getting tattoos and piercings. Kiss the good days goodbye men.


2 years ago

all whores

2 years ago

Why? They'll just become thots and/or feminists like western women.


2 years ago

ukraine is a feminist shithole, has been for years.

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