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How a couple of physics grads built a nuclear weapon
The Nth Country Experiment was created by the Lawrence Livermore National Lab to settle the debate over the secret to constructing a nuclear weapon. Dobson, Pipkorn and Selden were hired and allowed to research unclassified and public information. They chose an implosion design to maximize the yield of nuclear material, and discovered a priceless resource in their lab's library. They built their design iteratively, focusing on ensuring a bang rather than maximizing the yield. Their work on the Nth Country Experiment left them with concerns about the relative ease of creating a nuclear weapon. <br> <br>CNC machining and computer simulations have revolutionized nuclear weapons development, simplifying and expediting the process of crafting critical components. Advanced computational physics and machine learning can be used to model nuclear reactions, detonations, and materials under extreme conditions, streamlining the development process. <br> <br>#nuclear #oppenheimer #teller
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2 years ago
guess these guys where around way after the incident i was talking about.
2 years ago
and killed themselves, because someone was showing off... if these are the ones from the USA.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago