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How Creepy Indian Guys Prey On White Women

488 Views • 04/04/21
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Amir, you are a clever guy with new ideas, SO, a member made a comment on one of my uploads You might be able to do something withthis idea in your store.

the link is here:


3 years ago

Amr next time you see that CurryCel in the bar, go near him and grab him by the neck and give him a Chokeslam. I am disappointed you didn’t beat up that Currycel rapist.

3 years ago

how is that curry cel a rapist?

3 years ago

@MilleRacks: i am not a witness


3 years ago

@Swagoku666: she was drunk. She wanted to call Uber but he took her phone away. He bought her more drinks so she becomes unconscious. Then he took her home and had sex while sex was unconscious. That’s a straight up Rape. Didn’t you see the video or you just playing dumb ? Come on man

3 years ago

@MilleRacks: seeing the video made me believe that the guy was a victim (1stly cause of his bad looks, 2ndly because the woman was using him as a ATM)

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
3 years ago

Females are the quality control of the species.
This is just Nature eliminating the less desirable traits.

All men who seek the Truth need our help. Including Indian men.

3 years ago

In a decade there'll be millions of MGTOW men from India


3 years ago

I don’t think so. They’re too thirsty for pussy also Bollwood industry will make sure them indians remain beta

3 years ago

@MilleRacks: lol! Pakistani fuck you


3 years ago

@Dipankar: @Dipankar: I am not pakistani you dum son of bitch. Proud Arab. You have the dare to come to a website created by an arab man and say dumb shit? You mad because your curry slut of a mom sucked my dick and swallowed my nut. If you are not a bastard you won’t reply again.

3 years ago

racepill is so brutal dude, when I first saw yogi, I thought he had a decent face for an indian guy. but still racetax applies to his SMV as well. Also you gotta keep in my mind, sense of beauty is hardwired in human brain. these ethnics desire white women so desperately , they are not blind , they can notice how hard white women MOG ethnic women. DESPERATE + BLUEPILLED = most dangerous combination. most of currycels are naive.


3 years ago

On point man. Indian men don’t deserve to procreate. The only indian have decent genetics are punjabis . But punjabi people cane from Pakistan that’s why they 6 feet tall and have good genetics. But that’s like 80-10 million people. I truly believe indians should be wiped out. But indian men are beta male cuckolds so they do arrange marriage. Indian men should either commit suicide or they shouldn’t get married. I feel embarrassed that i share this planet with curries.


3 years ago

@MilleRacks: FACTS. Cryin' shame too. The degraded racial and cultural state of India wasn't always like this. It took centuries for India to go from being the Light of the World to the human mudpit that it is. India was great UNTIL the Muslims invaded in the 8th century. But, it was when the British took over a fallen India and imposed Christianity was when India became a lost cause. A continent of mud, soy, and endless superstition. The old heroes of India that inspired that race to greatness in the distant past --- Arjuna, Bhishma, the Pandavas, the Kauravas, Indra, Agne, Vaiu, Vishnu, Brahma, Krishna, etc. were replaced in modern times by demigods who could be packaged and marketed for the women and soyboys. Lakshmi, Ganesh, and Hanuman.

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Wouknyou make a video about this? You seem to be versed in the history.


3 years ago

@Sardonic Smile: I have no idea of how to make a video. I still don't quite understand how to work the video feature on my iPhone. I just accumulate knowledge about things and distill it all down into a concise explanation. I am well studied in the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Mahabharata, the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita. Those ancient Vedic holy books of India tell of a truly glorious race and culture. Only a fraction of that great race (Punjabi) still exists. To see India now is an epic tragedy and tells the forbidden tale of how nations die as they turn racially dark.

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: You speak of the history with fondness and clarity. I hope you decide to make videos. I would be interested. There seems to be much disdain for Indian culture, here. It would be refreshing to get a different perspective; from the history; something more authentic, if you will.


3 years ago

@Sardonic Smile: Thank you! What country are you in, if I might ask? I can understand the disdain for Indian culture as it is now. As I said previously, it wasn't always this way. I am a classic WASP in the U.S. and can appreciate ancient India from afar. America is falling at a much faster rate than ancient India (and ancient Rome) so, such topics are of great interest to me. IMHO, unlike ancient India and Rome, America was built on the Vaishya and Shudra classes (middle class and working class). Thus, we don't have a glorious history of great heroes in battle and holy men doing incredible feats of austerity, as India and Rome enjoyed long ago.

Sardonic Smile
Sardonic Smile
3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I too am from North America. Perhaps, they are correct when they say the Indians are genetically undesirable, but to wipe them off the face of the earth seems extreme. That stems from intense hatred. I've always known the Indians to be strong academics and business owners. Most are qualified to be in high paying knowledge based careers. They have a genuine curiosity of American Culture and adapt well. In 2 generations, 3 at best they move from immigrants to middle and upper middle class. They are ideal Americans. Such a shame they are mocked to no end; theybare easy targets, I suppose; like the Catholics.


3 years ago

@Sardonic Smile: The trouble with 3rd world immigrants (Indians included) is that they embrace the WORST aspects of American culture. The American economy has been poisoned for 40 years with (((neoliberalism))) aka Reaganomics. American culture has been poisoned for much longer thanks to Jewish immigrants who infiltrated and took over Hollywood, entertainment, marketing, and education. The classic American economy rewarded producers; not speculators and hustlers on the fringe. Rackets, hustles, scams, ripoffs, peddlers of faux "knowledge", etc. move money around but, nothing of value is being produced. Indians who excel in such enterprises are damned for succeeding. However, the greater evil comes from (((THEM))) who engineered the wholesale deindustrialization of America in the first place.

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