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How Feminism Makes Women Crazy - MGTOW

421 Views • 07/13/22
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⁣Sponsor Link: <br>Profit Specialist Group <br>video: <br> <br> <br>Surviving Fourth Wave Feminism: The War on the West - VOLUME 2 <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. B the author of the two volumen book series called Surviving 4th Wave Feminism. This is the sixth chapter in his second book. This one discusses the conclusions he's reached with regards stroll down feminizi lane. His name is Bob and he says that writing these two books has been one of the most draining experience of his life. It's tough going. I wrote 5 x 3-4 page sections in my book so far and it's been extremely draining because I'm trying to inject a lot of humor. But anyways, Bob says there's no place to hide in this world from 4th wave feminism's political movement and he brings up the top ten worst points that prevented him from finishing this book sooner and that upset him the most. The first one is the degradation and destruction of the armed forces in Australia and around the world. He discusses how they have been subverted by feminists to get the armed forces to pay for breast implants and ivf treatments. This is also risking countless lives and the lowering of physical fitness standards to get women in to the army is undermining the legitimately earned positions in uniform that many men and some women received. He says that undermining the armed forces undermines national pride and in doing so the enemies of the west will be able to easily defeat soyified and demoralized western nations. The next point is the idea of planned single motherhood. He says that society accepts it without question but also funds it without limits. The cost simply gets passed down to someone else, usually a male tax payer instead of the self-entitled mother. Plus single mother households create more kids involved in crime, drug addition and poverty. Future left wing voters of course but also an eventual collape of the welfare state. The welfare won't end. There will just be new taxes introduced on the middle and upper classes to impoverish them too and ensure socialists win from then on in. His next point is the unchallenged violence and fraud of women against men, other women and children. Bob brings up all the women that were recently caught hiring hitmen to get rid of their simp husbands. He points out that violence from women against men is not punished as severely as if it flow from males to females. He brings up the case of Jazzmine Fry puncturing a guys skull in an attack and walking away free with no conviction. That women also get away with doing terrible things to their kids because of things like post part em depression. The fourth point is the suppression of free speech. I know this one all too well as a woman with a feminist sounding name shut down my Patreon page for hate speech. That's how fourth wave feminists are able to get around the free speech amendment to the US constitution. Bob brings up how not only are you cancelled online but people like Roosh V were completely cancelled from coming to Australia to have their talks. A man's freedom of movement in addition to his online presence are cancelled. People on the right are banned from entering woke leftoid countries. This is similar to the days of communism in the Soviet Union when capitalists were banned from entering because they were afraid their ideas subversive would spread to the population. You know your ideas are bad when you have to ban you critics from criticizing them. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Profit Specialist Group: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>Ad Photo Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2. <br> <br>3.

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2 years ago

The secret to destroy gynocentrism is the will of man

2 years ago

any feminist is the primary reason mgtow exists. feminisim is the number one reason why men are walking away from whaman. feminisim is the number 1 reason whaman are eternal victims. men are walking away from this BS. the best thing a man can do is walk away and not deal with whaman. why do whaman never talk about misandry......because every wham practices how to supress men. so theres one answer for this.... wish whaman good riddance and a great life....then walk away from them and never serve or do anything for them again. since they are equal they can be equal with some boxed wine and a few cats. how come whaman cant change tires.....frame a window....change a light switch....empty garbage.........fix cars. 7.8 percent of truck driver are you know what that means.......if only whaman drove the trucks you would starve in about 90 days. to all whaman....GET A JOB A MAN WOULD HOLD.....DRIVE A TRUCK.......STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT MEN THAT GIVE YOU ON AVERAGE EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE FROM CAR REPAIRS TO SHEETROCK AND LAWN CARE OR WHICH VERY FEW WHAMAN ARE IN. GET OFF YOU HIGH HORSE OR YOU WILL DRIVE MEN INTO THEIR OWN LIFE SUCCESS AND WALK AWAY FROM WHAMAN. I HAVE BEEN NOT WITH A WHAMAN IN 8 YEARS NOW AND I WONT LOOK BACK.....NOT BECAUSE I WANT TO NOT BE WITH THEM....BECAUSE IM SCARED TO BE WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE ETERNAL VICTIMS. WHAMAN WILL HAVE A HARD LIFE IF YOU LIVE BY MISANDRY. SO I SAY GOODBYE TO THE WHAMAN FOR THE LAST 8 YRS. I WONT TAKE EM TO DINNER.....I WONT PAY FOR HAIR AND NAILS.....NO NOTHING....I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE NOT BECAUSE I DONT LIKE THEM.....BECAUSE THEY HAVE MORE RIGHTS THEN I DO......I DROPPED THE MIC AND WALKED OFF THE STAGE. MY LIFE SO FAR IS BETTER BECAUSE OF IT.!!!!!!


A woman is a life support system for a cunt.
A feminist is a cunt with a life support system.

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