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How much time part 9 How much left
• 07/24/22
21 Subscribers
How much time part 9 How much left <br> <br>The end of this unscripted drunken rant
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3 years ago
How much time left? Less than 40 years. And it won't be status quo and then a sudden collapse. We will all feel the rot, degeneration, societal cancer, and PAIN long before the end comes. Very much like drinking water from a well poisoned by JEWS. The Jews poisoned water wells in medieval times. In modern times, Jews poison the institutional wells of society.
The JEWS have corrupted the current four generations, starting with the Baby Boomers (ME). The JEWS' achieved the perfect GOLEM generation with Gen Z. Why? Gen Z was spawned by the Gen X's and the Gen X's are the first generation to have NOT seen the real America IRL.
BTW, the Baby Boomers spawned the Millennials. The Jews made a giant leap towards the Jew World Order with the Millennials but, even they have their ideological flaws. Why? Even the stupid Boomer parents still remembers the Real America and that represents a taint passed off to the offspring. The Millennials were the Participation Trophy generation but, the Jews had to wait for Gen Z to achieve perfection. And Gen Z makes the Millennials look positively grounded in comparison.