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How Scared & Aware Are Women Of MGTOW?
How Scared & Aware Are Women Of MGTOW?
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How aware and scared are women of the red pill knowledge? I feel as if they are fully aware of what's up
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,
This video is brought to you by two re-occuring donor through paypal named Daniel and Thomas. Neither of them sent me a topic so I thought I'd cover an interesting post on Reddit that I've put in the description called: "How aware and
scared are women of the red pill knowledge? I feel as if they are fully aware of what's up" by someone named Engiraba. It's a great question and I thought I'd answer it. But before I do let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Welcome to Migtown: Anyways, now back to the video. Women know exactly what MGTOW is because whenever I've described it or told other men to go their own way and women heard about it their first instinct is to say you hate women. I think that evolutionarily they feel the fear of abandonment when one man says he won't date women they instantly project a scenario out in their minds where all men start to behave in a similar way and suddenly they don't have a man there to protect them from the big bad boogie man of nature which means certain death. Another reason I know that women know what it means is because someone in a recent video mentioned that he suggested to one of his co-workers that he stop dating and not get married and one of the women overheard and the whole office because like a hen house full of mother cluckers. The women assembled like Voltron made of used tampons to try and stop the guy that was suggesting to other men not to marry and even ratted him out to their boss to try and have him fired. If women didn't feel that perpetual bachelorhood wasn't a negative for them then why would they behave this way? They fear it so much that it compels them into action and they try to get white knights to protect them from the dangers of MGTOW. Yet another reason I know that women fear MGTOW is with regards to the calls by feminist professors to ban sex dolls and robots. They keep shutting down doll brothels all over the place and most of them have secret locations now where men have to pay for the service, thus giving up their identity and only then do they get the physical location messaged to them. Women are freaking out over a silicone doll while having the luxury to go home and cozy up to a silicone shaft that they keep next to their bed. If dolls and robots weren't a threat then why defend against them. There is no exploitation of women when men use such things. But there is certainly less exploitation of men by women when men have an outlet for men when they want to play their jizzophone.
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2 years ago
Always record your work space, if the company has recording agents, just fair huh.
2 years ago
NEVER trust a women they can never tell the truth, and most of them haven't a clue about "Traditional" values as a women. they can quote MEN's Tradition's, yep they want use to be traditional so they don't have to. Women are finished traditionally and as they are NOW. The trust is long gone, and also would give up what I have now for some untrustworthy pussy skank, because even the pussy isn't worth it anymore. It would be easy to say that pussy is all they have left? but thee truth is even that has long had it's day for REAL MEN. A REAL MAN don't need no women for ANYTHING, and we are not GAY, we were NOT HURT by anyone, we are simple playing catch up for the decades of usery we suffered and now we can play Selfishness as women would say for all the SELFLESS years we wasted on these Harpie's I've got my own money much of which is what I still save from the dating day's I just invest it in MY pleasure now, and why NOT? Time is my own and on MY side as I'm now retired with plenty of money I invested in pensions over my working life rather than like women frittering it away on junk and crap. I've got 3 pensions coming in, a nice home, tow motorcycles and some classic Guitars and Keyboards as well. Didn't need any women to get my good life, didn't need Validation, I have what I have because I took the time to wait and be patient, now it has paid off. FUCK women who needs them?
2 years ago
Personally I have absolutely NO USE for a women to even be around. Once you break the Pussy Power slavery you can get on with your life. when I first broke away from it I did occasionally crack off to a mag or dvd, but that was short lived because when I discovered that the ROT that had set in with women came from within them, that was the end. I even think women today are unattractive because of their ugly personalities and that kinda shows in their appearance and lack of any respect for their own bodies as well? to me women have become Viel creatures I avoid as much as I can. With all this happening as MEN (REAL MEN) walk women are becoming TERRIFIED of being alone, they give all the BS about independence and that strength SHIT, but let's remember women don't need MEN until they NEED a MAN! Well as for myself I'm NOT ever gonna be a sponge to be used by a needy WEAK pathetic women ever again and I tell them so as well. It's not MEN walking away that is causing THEIR loneliness, MEN walked because women did not listen to the warnings from MEN. women bought on their own demise and they must cover that themselves. Logic would determined that women would or should seriously have a rethink? but they won't they never DO or never HAVE because women are self destructive and trying to lower a MAN to their pathetic level because they can't rise up to Us has killed Pair Bonding and Dating, Romance and the illusion of LOVE. Their lack of Empathy by women has I admit has killed my very own Empathy toward them. I DON'T help women, I certainly DO NOT Mansplain to them anymore when they ask because you know the CUNT will for attention do the exact opposite to your advise and drama it all up as YOUR FAULT. Nope I'm long gone, I like my own stoic, Sigma Nature and I don't any longer need Validation from not just women but ANYONE. Peace Gent's
2 years ago
4 years ago
@ javaman64 1 year ago
I would suspect that not many women know about MIGTOW regardless of what some may think.
The cunts can smell MGTOW men a mile a way...
And these pieces of shit go into fucking psychosis over it too.
"Oh the mighty vagina is a stinking cess pit full of feminist shit?" = Not buying.
4 years ago
Doesn't mater about getting speech banned, we Guy's have nothing to say to the fefail anymore.