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How the Democrats could hand the election to Trump on Super Tuesday

48 Views • 03/03/20
American Nationalist
American Nationalist
32 Subscribers

Once again the (Democratic) Party is using every underhanded tactic they have in their arsenal to stop Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination fair & square. In this video I explain why this is a bad idea for stopping Donald Trump from winning a second term (assuming that's a priority for the Establishment Democrats).

Sorry for not posting many uploads lately. I tend to not make videos unless i have a good idea what to make one on.

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4 years ago

I forgot super Tuesday was a year ago. I cant believe i’ve had the same interest for over a year.


I hate all statists but in general about Joe Biden, he is a child rapist pedo and that has been proven. I know they all hide their sick violent crimes but Joe openly does this shit and pedos do indeed need to be executed. I don't care if its a cuck or feminazi, kill'em!

5 years ago

Most people tend to forget that Trump is the least shity solution in a pic of shity solutions.

I don't understand this I agree with 90% of their politics and then there's that 10% it shows up and suddenly do you have to drop them because of that alone. It doesn't make any sense.

But at the end of the day Trump is still the least shity solution.

American Nationalist
American Nationalist
5 years ago

I'm curious to know why you (along with most MGTOW) like Trump so much. If you'd like, I could do a better job elaborating on why I don't.

5 years ago

@Gynocentrism Watch: as i said before he's quite latterly the least shitty solution. if there wee a better candidate available i would choose that other person. i'm librarian but right leaning because the left has gone psychotic i really don't like the extremes when it comes down to politics i don't like the far left or far right they are both roughly the same only on opposite sides. most mgtow also value our freedom where the left wants to shut us and our message down by any means necessary. i'm not really the best Representative if speaking of these matters, but i would point you into the direction where most mgtow value have much of the same things. i would try and listen to the creator tfm as much as you can as most mgtow would agree with his politics and he explains his points very well within his show. unfortunately most of his content was taken down due to the same policies the left traditionally shuts down which is why we always need to migrate to other platforms like this. i can hook you up with some of his old content if your an android user just watch this video and follow the instructions to gain access to the content. i mean you can watch what he currently has on this website. he does upload content on itunes as well, but i don't remember how to get there and i don't use itunes so i have no need for it.

American Nationalist
American Nationalist
5 years ago

@Dude: The _least_ shitty solution? Tyrannosaurus Rump has called for the passage of "libel laws" to sue people who say things he finds unflattering (which he attempted to do when someone wrote a book about him he found unflattering years ago), called for the passage of "Red Flag Laws" after the mass shootings back in august with the purpose of confiscating and banning the sale of firearms from anyone who plays "violent video games", and tried banning abortion, allowed his children to poach endangered species in Africa, did his best to prevent Scott Pruitt from being removed from head of the EPA after he was caught embezzling funds, opposed contrustion of windmills in a country he doesn't run, and opposed Scottish Independence because it was an inconvienience to his golf course (which he should never put there in the first place). Bernie Sanders on the other hand opposed the PATRIOT act, supports abortion, and is better on opposing gun control based on his record in office than Trump has when push came to shove. While I detest Biden for his push of the VAWA (which in it's original form only protected women from domestic violence), let us not delude ourselves that Trump has our best interests at heart. He only stopped pushing for Red Flag Laws when the NRA threatened to not help stop impeachment (I like the threat of impeachment lingering over Trump's head to dissuade him from passing or pushing bad policies).

American Nationalist
American Nationalist
5 years ago

@Dude: Also I'm already familiar with TFM (I remember arguing with him on YouTube back before his channel got zapped) and tkae issue with his claim that women shouldn't be allowed to vote because supposedly the didn't vote for Trump "as much as men did", when the second largest demographic who voted for Trump after White Men, were WHITE WOMEN; the demographic that is ruining Western Civilization more than any other group of people. He's also agains't abortion, which I support because childbirth is just a woman's way of controlling men via child support, forced marriage, and corrupt family courts all catering to wahmehn.


Well I still will never vote because I'm an anarchist and all politicians are parasites.


@Gynocentrism Watch: You know there is a clause in the social security act that states men can make women get abortions because they are incapable of taking care of the bastard child.

American Nationalist
American Nationalist
5 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: Sorry just noticed this. Which SSA? I see there are several when I tried looking this up. Also how recent? Could you send me some links?


@Gynocentrism Watch: Watch: Shit they must of changed it. I looked it up, but feminestos only wanted it to be for rape or incest which of course I 110% support because that is crimes against nature and would lead to bad breeding.


@Gynocentrism Watch: TFM is against abortions fuck him! All he does is play video games all day in his room and fuck Celestina. He's not defeating the feminestos by being against abortions lol.


@Gynocentrism Watch: I'm anti-government/anti-statism. Pro-communities and pro-freedom. Its better when people run things, not parasitic politicians. When you know people around you, you know the good things come, but we have all been dehumanized by this sickening statist regime and its mostly run by statist feminestos.


@Gynocentrism Watch: I must be cursed with immortality just like that Japanese story about the wandering jew and I am a jew too. When I drank 64oz's of kerosene 9 years ago, I went to the void of nonexistence yet again and was revived with medics yet again and later on my pre-diabetes went away. Is coming back from death grant you advanced healing powers and other shit?


@Gynocentrism Watch: If I were to buy Nembutal, drink it, and not die from it, then shit I would be fucking immortal.

American Nationalist
American Nationalist
5 years ago

@BlackPilledBeltMonkkido: Yeah, that's why I like other MGTOW content producers like LFA and Stardusk more. Though I haven't really listened to either one in a while, and I admit I haven't tuned into a Stardusk video in a while.


@Gynocentrism Watch: Sandman is a Feminazi-goddess slayer.

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