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How This Failure Led to De Havilland's Success | DH.29 Doncaster (Aviation History Documentary)

18 Views • 09/05/23

Today we're taking a look at the De Havilland DH.29 Doncaster. This was the first aircraft designed and built at De Havilland Aircraft Company, though Geoffrey De Havilland himself had already designed many more before it. Though it was a failure, it's successor established the beginnings of De Havilland's excellent reputation in the civil aircraft industry. <br> <br>Sources: <br>Jackson.A.J (1987), De Havilland Aircraft Since 1909. <br>Jackson.A.J (1974). British Civil Aircraft since 1919. Vol. 2. <br> <br>Video Source: Rex's Hangar <br> <br> <br> <br>-- This is shared without profit for educational and historical purposes ---

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