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How Vaccine Mandates Will Play Out: This Is The Very Beginning.
• 06/15/21
7 Subscribers
Never let them force a jab upon you. If needed fight back however you can. Imagine law enforcement at our front doors with a possible vaccine warrant.
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Ten bucks!
Where do I text "Fuck Off" to? Same number?
3 years ago
If i text them back "LICK MY NUT SACK" will they get the message to fuck off?
4 years ago
I smell the seeds of truth being re directed to these idiots needs to be hangings. Need to be mass executions for these idiots who pushed this imagine saving bullets using rope and cement.
4 years ago
So $10 is how much you value your health and life at? Got it!
4 years ago
4 years ago
People DESPERATE to inject themselves with POISON
The SAME people,
Who LIED, saying Trump wanted them to inject themselves with BLEACH
The SAME ones.