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How women and soy boys are ruining the video game industry
• 06/16/21
34 Subscribers
This is a segment from Take Two's presentation on "diversity, inclusivity and equity" during E3 which is currently being held. Like everything else we used to love, it has been taken over by feminists and race activists who aren't really gamers but just want to use the platform to spread their ideas.
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4 years ago
How diverse is the gaming space? Do they welcome Trump supporters (more than 50% of the US population?) or white people. Or are they just a bunch of circle jerking far left twitteraties?
4 years ago
eventually we men will have to create our own platforms and institutions to keep these broads out. This can actually work in our favor.
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Everything they touch turns to shit. It's because whatever they touch lets them. The only thing that has survived their onslaught so far, to my knowledge, Heavy Metal. Told them to get fucked.