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Human Conditioning. RPM

142 Views • 09/17/21
752 Subscribers

⁣Just an random conversation.

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3 years ago

Great video this is. I noticed the present version of divide and conquer more than 10 years ago, and it was loud and clear. Shortly after the Unreal Estate Bubble popped, it was one of those rare moments when a large crowd out there actually had their focus on the actual evil, that is the bankers and others at the very top. This is also about the time that the Tea Party ("right") and Occupy Wall Street ("left") formed. Within a matter of a few weeks, and this is really all the time that passed, OWS was infested with tranny flags and dominated by screeching of all the victimhood "grievances" that come with it. Meanwhile, every bit as fast, Tea Party was infested with the "keep the gubmint out of my Medicare" crowd. The top elites no doubt put their own people in there (OWS and TP) as "concerned citizens joining to volunteer." It was really something else how fast they distracted all attention entirely away from the major banks and other top racket elites, which is where most of the true evil in this world actually resides, and it is an intense evil, almost beyond comprehension or description. Everything since then has been nothing more than an ongoing development, and intensification, of this salvo launched 12 or so years ago.

Re the recall attempt of Governor Gruesome-Nuisance, I found it worth paying attention to because (in my opinion) it did have symbolic importance. The results are most discouraging, even if expected. I do not think they rigged the vote count; I believe they did not have to. It's all the same divide and conquer in the present style, as well as an endorsement of blind faith belief in the mass psychosis we know of as the Great Sniffles Hysteria of 2020. While the result is in the end a very disturbing measure of how dysfunctional the perception and cognition abilities of the vast majority is, it is of value to us to have this additional data point, at least as a loud reminder of how awful and deep our descent into Clown World is at present.

3 years ago

Every government is corrupt, if the system was built in a way that prevent corruption, the government itself
will change the system so she can be corrupt, the only solution is no ruler, anarcho-capitalism, the strong
leads by example, and if they try to forcefully take from other people property, with out agreement
(business and trading, agreements), it will be easier for the people to rebel and free themselves from
tyranny, than a government that control: huge army, police, education, money, and communication, in
anarcho-capitalism the power of violence is in everybody hands, including weapons of any kind.

3 years ago

Why do you need a government at all ? if you will say for the army protection, you are wrong, if the people
are not restricted in what weapons you are can have, most of the people will be armed with all kind of
weapons: from rifles to tanks and missiles and airplanes and war ships, believe me, their is more weapons
in the hands of the people than in the army hands. USA army 2 million soldiers, USA people have about
450 million weapons from rifles to cannons. police are gestapo, and armed people can protect themselves
and their property by themselves. "small government" always overstep the boundaries and become huge
bloated socialist nightmare with tons of "laws, rules and regulations" the USA started as a "small constitutional
government" and become the socialist nightmare it is. how can the people become sovereign if they have
government ? why the government will serve the people ? they won't, they serve only themselves. the only
solution is anarcho-capitalism=no ruler, only then the people will be sovereign.

3 years ago

The government won't protect you, you can make your own army of warriors to protect the border. the government
doesn't do anything. they extort your money and pay for the army. if no one extort you then you can arm yourself,
and a number of people can hire private army of mercenaries to protect the border and it will be cheaper and better
then the middlemen (government), who make it a lot more expensive ,complicated and inefficient.

3 years ago

Why do you want a small government ? why do you want government at all ?
for what do you need any government at all ?

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