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Hypergamy does not exist pt3

34 Views • 06/21/23
Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
78 Subscribers

Even hypergamy does not affect Laura Southern

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2 years ago

Also because women have been conditioned by the powers that be to love abusive assholes who’ll do nothing but further traumatize them into becoming more bitchy and narcissistic plus delusional than ever fueling their blind hatred of all men. There’s a difference between the strong chad and the abusive bad boy since feminism has confused the western population into believing we are all bad boys even though we’re just good masculine men and so those feminazis assume that emasculating the male youth will allegedly solve the so-called toxic masculinity crisis when in reality women are creating far more problems for society than usual. And thanks to these man-hating single mother feminists, Are creating a new generation of even worse slutty mean girl sluts, disenfranchised young blue pilled cucks and a several hoards of disgusting queer freaks. Our society is doomed and women damned themselves and us all to a communist takeover probably from china and the WEF.

Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack
2 years ago

[Down Vote]
Do not confuse Hypergamy with Male Lust.
In general, males lust after physical beauty. Females on the other hand have multidimensional needs that can not be listed in order priority. Women will want a single guy that is handsome, rich, powerful, and entertaining. When a woman can not find a solitary individual that fits her needs, some women will learn to diversify.

That is where one will see the "hotty" married to "dork" who is inline to inherit a fortune, while she works for the powerful U.S. Senator, and bangs the physically gorgous Pool Boy once a month. Of course, juggling so many people can be taxing and lead to mistakes.

Speaking of mistakes, Lauren Southern is a blabber-mouth and shot herself in the foot by spilling secrets held in confidence. Women love being the center of attention. Human nature includes being arrogant in thought that we can get away with stupid shit. Lauren thought her marriage could survive breaking trust so she could get more attention. She fucked around and found out.

What a price!

Crimson Hawk
Crimson Hawk
2 years ago

Women fuck down across left right left .

Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack
2 years ago

@crimsonhawk: I hope that someday men and women can cum together again in a single vision of a future. Something in this world set the genders against each other for personal gain. Men need to step up and take charge of their lives. Women need to inderstand they are not men. Most times, it is not cool to break a personal trust for personal gain.

Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack
2 years ago

Shit on Lauren Southern! And shit on women who think betrayal is a bonifide solution!

2 years ago

The answer (imo) is unstable broads, like Lauren Southern, don't know WHAT they want. Their "preferences" change with the direction of the wind.

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