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HYPERGAMY SCAM | BLACK PILL @Brazil Yesh @Based Escortcel @Jp Hives @Neowulf@Man Of Tomorrow

73 Views • 08/13/22
Hold The Truth Hostage
Hold The Truth Hostage
90 Subscribers

WHY MISSING IQ Manosphere Red Pill &amp; MGTOW theory On HYPERGAMY is False &amp; a Scam <br>#men #blackpill #hypergamy #manosphere

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2 years ago

17:00 Doublethinking from Orwell.

Edward Longshanks
Edward Longshanks
2 years ago

There are definitely some flawed so-called foundational concepts. How can you give women a choice, then complain that the women chose wrong?

Nature did not intend for the females of an intersex species to have any agency. The fundamental issue is men have allowed women more freedom, in order to create more subservient men.


There is much to be said for keeping your argument short and to the point.

There is also much to be said for not smoking dope.

Hold The Truth Hostage



@Hold The Truth Hostage: I have met stoners who did lots of magic mushrooms every season, for decades, it is the same issue, but saying it at 1/4 speed. Drugs are bad Mmmm K.

2 years ago

You call it hypocrisy, but hypergamy has always been there. You know what was there until recently-- Consequences. Women are social animal; they can not survive on their own. Some women did follow their hypergamous nature and we called them witches or femme fatales... or whore on the streets.


I think people and their breeding habits have much more in common with blow flies than people realise.

Hold The Truth Hostage

Is it hypergamy for a woman especially during the more primal times wo be with the strongest man, & did they have a choice, I have covered this multiple videos, critical thinking needs to be shown. Men in the manosphere will say men are stronger than claim women were choosing the stronger man, as in they decided who's genes would pass not the men

2 years ago

@Hold The Truth Hostage: True now, but earlier one in our evolvution men did decide by just taking them, be it cave men or kings. Nowadays, such "primal: behavior is criminialized, and yet the women fantastize about being taken. Things in the past are now what they appear as today-- first Biblical lesson when God of Israel told man to not search for Eden. The Terrain has been changed.

2 years ago

@Hold The Truth Hostage: Second point, womn control nothing. They are slaves to their hormones and hence their desires. They tried to force that onto men. In Nature, fertility seasons exist, and yet for some reason women can conceive anytime throughout the year hence their menstration, usually a 28 day hormonal cycle. Perhaps in adistant past, the moon was an external trigger for setting off their hormonal cycles. This is apparent or suggestable considering most witchcraft centers around the phases of the moon, a 28 day cycle. Early men and women likely noticed the coincidences. Since whores are controlled by their desires as hormones and whore moans (hopefully sexual), it makes them easy social engineering projects and that is why the Rothchilds through their agents (the Cathedral, the cabal, the government's government, or whatever else you want to call them) and investment firms Vanguard and Blackrock control everything. Whores are the distractions and the agents though many unknowingly. This reason alone (nevermind God of Israel stated it) is why men are the leaders, the rock for women to hold themlseves up with and as a community of heterogenous coupled families the bedrock Western Civilization was built upon, which is why to tear it dosn, one has to destroy the family units: hence, the last fifty to seventy years via "feminism" or Communism in a shiny sexy wrapper. That brings us to this shit today. "Be silent whore" should be our rallying cry next to ending the cabal and their corrpution in our government. However, the majority of men today are cucked or plain pussies, thst will never happen. Thus, we are fucked.

2 years ago

Damn, I did not know that was going to be that long... my apologies.

2 years ago

@Hold The Truth Hostage: Final point, not to drag you down, but ow many third world contries and primitive (Stone Age) cultures have you visited, investigated, or researched in the archives studying them? I studiied alot and observed some first hand in person, smells and all. I was forced to study some though most in Australia and the Indoseian islands in college for "Well Rounded" education. One thing I took an interest inwas their religion, the animism many practised. I think you are misdirected and do not understand the full effect "religion" and peer pressure can add to the situation. Just saying or pointing out-- no hate. I am glad though that you are tinking about it. THINKNG and strategizing is our best gift, as humans, especially as we struggle against the Borg mind virus-- the Communism/Feminisn and its resulting Fascism of those in power. Keep at it bro. Our innovation, imagination, creativity, productivity, and problem solving is how we win and stay free thanks to us using our souls, which the Borg mindset have lost or killed for power and apparenly pedophilia. This is why I leftt religion and the craft behind (thoughh I recognize their "spells" and low level color psychological maniplations) for REVELATIONS, the Hidden Truths revealed especially since we are in or about to enter the Age of Aquarius or The Age of Enlightenment- the Christian Age of Revelations or as Genesis called it "The Seventh Day," since a day for the Lord (God of Israel) is a thousand years for man. Peace bro.

2 years ago

@Hold The Truth Hostage: Oh man, I hope I did not scare you away?! Truth and Revelations matter! A lot more than what some let on and most people recognize!

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