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I'm Sick & Tired Of The Corona Virus - MGTOW

366 Views • 04/12/21
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Lindsay Transmission Service

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Lindsay Transmission Service
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Conservative Men Are Bad LOL

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Helicopter Monkey Pilot and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, I'm seeing quite a few snarling articles towards Conservative men because they are much more likely to stay away from the Corona Chan vax than anyone else, which I've included links to with my message. I remember Turd Flinging Monkey saying that it was mainly going to be Liberals getting the Corona Chan vax and he was right. There are a few Liberal men who won't take it and they are probably into alternative health so good on them. There are quite a few reasons why you don't want to take this vaccine. Websites like Health Impact News and Natural News document the trail of effects that it is having and the numbers you see on it are really just the tip of the iceberg. I also want to share a video of an insider of a Bill Gates organization exposing how bad the situation is. Also attached. It will take an hour to watch, I think it is really worth it. I want to end this by pointing out that in the movie called I am legend the thing that started the apocalypse was a virus that altered DNA, I think Will Smith was trying to tell us something. Well see which group, Conservative or Liberal, is staying healthy and which one is getting sicker, if not dropping dead." Well Helicopter Monkey Pilot thanks for the donation and topic. I put the links you sent me into the description. Before I get to more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. I don't really want to comment and speculate on what I really believe is happening and I want to stay away from tin foil theories like it's a hoax and it doesn't exist when I know people that have gotten it and lost their sense of taste and smell temporarily and have permanent lung damage. There's the old saying that when you're young if you're not a Liberal then you have no heart and when you're old if you're not a Conservative then you have no brain. So it doesn't surprise me that people that are less intelligent are more trustful of the government and willing to take something that hasn't been proven in non human trials. Excuse me if I'm more than a bit cautious about putting something in my body that will alter my DNA and might make my immune system go haywire. I already eat an almost carb free diet as my immune system is allergic to grains, legumes and sugar. I've barely survived the last few years with my sanity and my life and am walking a fine line. So the last thing I want to do is introduce something in my body that will mess up my immune system even more. The day I write this in Canada ten percent of population has taken at least one dose of this thing. How long before they take a second and then need to take more next year or the year after? People forget the lessons of the past like DDT, Asbestos, Cigarettes and other things the government said were good for you but weren't and people paid the price. As for Will Smith and the I Am Legend film is it Hollywood foreshadowing what's to come? I don't know. But if the governments barr me from travelling or going to public places without getting jabbed then so be it. I'll isolate myself further even though this situation has given me IBS and terrible anxiety until three, four, five years go by and I see the effects of this thing. I'm not going to spend this video debating the quality of the vax or how stupid or smart someone is if they do or don't take it. The reason the leftist propaganda newspapers are publishing stories about conservatives being less likely to take it is because it's rage bait. Liberal soy boys will read it and get mad at conservative vax dodgers. As a result they might pressure the government to force everyone to take it. I know people that thought just like me a few months ago and now that over a year has gone by they have given up and will get the vax.

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Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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12 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

Small Texas towns are filling up. Their Walmarts are always out of food and houseware stock. The golf courses are very full, as are the recreation and state parks. California plates are left lane hogs unaccustomed to Texas high speed limits of 75mph highway.

3 years ago

all these doctors and talks about the virus blaming the infections etc... but noone is talking about the real problem.
none of these doctors understood the source of the problem which is the communist party of America (democRATS) forcing lockdowns and utilizing this initial mild flu into a full-blown pandemic in order to throw Trump off the seat. Even with the pandemic they didn't manage to do that with the virus, they had to rig the system in order to win and stick everyone in this shit blown aftermath. the real C-virus is Communism. try all these democrats for treason as well as the retard repbliCUNTS that gave into their demands for not standing up for the constitution. this fucking vaccine that doesn't work, doesn't prevent the virus and its many other strains but actually help the virus to mutate into new strains that becomes immune to the vaccine yet they want EVERYONE to get it. even if you did get the vaccine your are still subjected to lockdowns, masks, quarantines, and restriction on travel.


3 years ago

this video is highly aligned to my views on this pandemic. I have two questions for you : what if you cannot even buy food with some sort of passport ? and what if find a place to buy some sort of food to survive, fiat currency is gone and you cannot pay in any electronic means cause to have these means you also have to surrender to some sort of authority and take the jab ?


3 years ago

The vaccine's only last 6 months, then there will be "boosters" to extend immunity beyond that... this also includes Pfizer. We don't know the long-term effects of this vaccine. People are possibly screwing up long term health for 6 months of immunity. 6...

With that in mind there is also new strains on the way, which news sources say these vaccine don't cover. Also there is now a recall for the Johnson and Johnson vaccine for bloot clots. For Thrombosis...

It might be ok if you take it, but like Sandman says he would rather wait a few years to see what's going on. It's up to you, you might also be just fine long-term if you take it, but no one knows yet.


3 years ago

6 months of immunity, how long is the lockdown again?

3 years ago

Why would you take a shot that permanently changes your DNA over a disease that has a 99.97% survival rate???
Sandman, in case you haven't heard, scientists and health officials are now admitting that the Vaccine DOESENT KEEP YOU FROM GETTING THE CHINESE VIRUS, all it does is mitigate the symptoms should you get it.
4,000 have died in Europe DUE TO TAKING THE SHOT!!!
Some have gotten Bells Palsy from taking the Shot.
Now scientists and health officials are talking about how women may become infertile from taking the Shot.
Since the Vaccine doesent keep you from getting the Virus, how can it be called a vaccine?!?!?!
There are allready 2 cures for the Virus. Ivermectin and HCQ+Zink+Zpack. Since there are allready 2 cures that work, WHY TAKE THE EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE THAT NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THE LONG TERM EFFECTS WILL BE?!?!?!
Sandman, none of what I have written above is "Conspiracy Theories". You also failed to mention that Canada has become a Police State because of its reaction to the Virus.

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