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I've Had My Fun vs I'm Still Enjoying The Single Life
• 07/07/20
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5 years ago
Amer is Great
5 years ago
5 years ago
My dad had an 89 corolla great little car nó woman of that age could match it haha
5 years ago
That is true. I am debating with a gal right now over on a financial video turned marriage counsel session on how I know another woman is acting out in a video. For some odd reason, this female thinks that men (well me personally) are women hating without looking at the facts and statistics that surround divorce. They either still think denial is a good thing (that it is the woman who is the problem) or that usually women, unless really abused, could be that desperate to get out of a relationship without causing the man further harm. For instance, in a divorce, WE KNOW, that they know that in a divorce they can acquire assets. But they make it ambiguous by stating that there is some other motive as if men should be shamed for being in a relationship with them, when it was their own choice to be in a relationship? O_o Like logically that makes no sense. You almost feel like stating "Were you asleep this entire time when you made the vows?"
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago
I would love to hear what the Church of Scientology is from your perspective. Most people think it is a whore house. Is it a whore house?