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I Avoid Women In Public & Everywhere Else - MGTOW

318 Views • 11/07/21
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman. Big fan here. My question involves being annoyed by people in public. I've heard you say that you cannot even tolerate people anymore. I have been monk-mode for 15 years, red-pilled for 1, and have been Financially Independent for 10, so I thankfully dont have to deal with coworkers anymore. (I have a few friends who I always enjoy, and a few family members and neighbors who I don’t.) I do however go out to sports bars and sporting events. I mostly do this for the amusement and change of scenery. But I’ve noticed that more and more, I also cannot tolerate people and it has me questioning weather I should ever go out again. It seems not worth the amusement and change of scenery that I speak of. Outwardly, I appear as a Chad, and I’d say that in about 1 in 10 of these outings, I have a pleasant interaction with a stranger (man or woman). An example is that recently, a man asked me politely to take a pic of him and his extended family, which I was happy to do. After I took the pic, another man in the group said “take another” in an imperious voice, no doubt to impress his girl. At that point I had visions of throwing him off of the balcony, but all I did was sneer at him and reluctantly take another pic. Another time, a baby with a pissy diaper was plopped next to me. And often times, people will ask me questions or tap me on the shoulder without introduction, and this fills me with rage and leaves me with resentment. I’m wondering if you can expand on your intolerance and would like to get your opinion on if I should just stay home and take dick pics rather than take pics for imperious slobs." Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I'm guessing that you're over 40 or 50 years of age. The older you get the more of the world seems immature to you by default. I think that's a huge part of why I'm starting to feel the way that I do. You don't have patience for people's BS as you know you only have so much life left and you didn't think you'd have to spend it getting heckled to take people personal pictures. Plus society is increasingly dysfunctional and less civil with mental illness is increasing. If you've spent the last ten years out of the workforce and around only people that you've prescreened then you don't really have a high tolarance for abusive and demanding people. I've been a Hikikomori for almost 20 years now and only had an office job with co-workers for less than 6 months to a year during that time. I find that I become hypersenstive to interacting with human beings the less exposure I have with them in real life as opposed to those on screen. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to locking yourself in your house where you're free instead of walking out the door and interacting with the inmates in open air prison clown world show. My disgust with people is growing because they are increasingly insensitive with my time. I believe they feel that I'm there to give them my undivided attention and use me as a sounding board. Bad women's behavior was amusing until about 6-12 months ago when I could still verify what I had learned about female nature. Now it's way to predictable and it's annoying instead of simply validating how I feel about them. Now I can't even talk to clients on the phone complaining about something because before you know it they are telling me 100 things about their lives that I have no interest in hearing. When you mentioned that vision of throwing the guy off the balcony I thought about that Bernie moment from the film with the same name with Jack Black. I've been nice and polite my whole life but my patience with people has worn thin. You think taking pictures is bad for you then think of how bad it is when I walk around on vaction with pro gear and take pictures and make videos. People are constantly asking me to take pictures for them. I get asked half a dozen times a day. They get picky and want me to retake them sometimes.

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10 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

I do exactly the same as this guy, up early, do my shit and home to do WTF I want to do from then on. It's called "GHOSTING" or Going "GREY MAN", I've done this for years, it's like having a sort of invisibility shield, The think is if you need to interact do it in all the other assholes background!

3 years ago

I no longer help anyone with anything, I do really good stuff for my own benefit, but if some CUNT want's help they can go elsewhere. Been MGTOW a good 11 years and Monk about 5 years now, that's nearly 2 Decade's and I feel great, I have NO guilt I don't believe I'm selfish as women will have you believe. I'm simply playing catch up for myself after many pointless "SELFLESS" years that were wasted on other's. I pas women by with a flat tire at the roadside, I don't open doors or lift shit for the,m anymore either, and I have no problem with that at all.

3 years ago

You and I sound like mirrors of each other. Well except that I'm a Black man :) I really hate most people: low IQ, stupid conversations like children, fake as hell, back-biting and insincere, etc. I just wear my bandana over my face [as a face covering/mask] and keep my sunglasses on. I do this specifically because most people won't talk to me, due to them not being able to see my face or eyes. It's very useful in keeping people away.

3 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Yep agree with you full. I* avoid people not because of FAKE Covid for example but so I don't go out and catch "STUPIDITY", not that with my mind set though I reckon I'm immune to "STUPIDITY"! lol! but the way, Be PROUD to be BLACK. I'm PROUD to be WHITE Bro! and that doesn't come from putting anyone down because of skin color just Stupidity of mind! Peace

3 years ago

I have a portal that takes me from A to B, it's called a MOTORCYCLE. I can move from A to B without interaction with those filthy retarded Human's! I am mainly successful, but I know it is an invisible portal because sometimes the BASTARDS cant see me coming and pull out or something? lol! I've cut way back my interaction with THEM! as much as I can, As for the fefail one's I avoid them almost permanently, It ain't so hard to do with a little practice. Also Gentlemen, learn the POWER of a very important but small word "NO"! Once you can say NO and mean NO without any guilt you are onto a winner! It is sorry to say, but as a Human I cant stand the current so called human race. It has marginalized me, pout me on the fringe and because of that I can read one of these CUNT's like a shop manual of life! lol!

3 years ago

Because we're on a higher consciousness plane [and a higher intelligence level] , we can't stand most so-called humans. I'm convinced that most people are reincarnated cave-men and low IQ commoners from throughout history. I hate dealing with people at large SO MUCH. I'm so happy keeping to myself, and doing my small business online and looking at InfoWars news about what is actually the real current events. Hopefully most of these people die of the coming serious bioweapon pandemics that the elite have planned. Most people have bad, compromised immune systems anyway from disgusting STD's from degenerate casual sex. MGTOW monks are winning on the personal and immune health front too; we don't often think about that, right?

3 years ago

@Johnny_Cage: Wow man, you sound just like Me!So I guess you have found yourself a reasonably happy baqlance in YOUR life, whilst the headless chicken's run round the yard worrying about stuff that really is of no concern to them? By that I mean that THEY swallow any BS thrown at them, whereas we tend to be aware of their scull dugery but it's in the background? bit like that Squeak on say the Car ? As long as you know roughtly where and what it is you can be ready to fix it if needs be? Never thought much about it as being in a higher Consciousness as since I was a child I've alway's been like this and preferred my own company? and boy did I suffer for it with the bullying at school, but that's the past and part of MY character building I guess? anyways my friens yet again i agree with every word you said, and you have a great day (Dedicated to YOURSELF)! Peace.


3 years ago

I basically do too. Except at work and with relatives mostly. I'll interact with females IF I HAVE TO at school too. But I keep interactions down to a minimum.

3 years ago

It's kind of hard to like people when they continually vote for governments that want to control so much of our lives. Politicians attract most of the blame but things wouldn't be this bad if the brain dead voters kicked them out of office.

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