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I Banged My Sexdoll Again While Home Alone Jesus Christ!

63 Views • 04/19/21

⁣Why hasn't Jesus claimed my crappy life here???
Filmed on 14/11/2020 AEDT

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3 years ago

I'm 58yrs(BA-Econ/Bus', x-combat sqd & real Yahweh/Jesus follower), 28yrs ago when I was divorced-raped & homeless I asked 3-doctors(traveling state to state looking for a job) how I could slow down/stop my sex drive because I was/am walking with the Lord, they all laughed and said "NO"! Now fast-forward to today, I thought I was buying a BJD-Manga action figure like my Turtles or Warf from Star Trek, but it was a mini Wifu. Since the Chinees dealer and I had a good laugh via emails, he strongly urged me to buy Wifu's now since the fem's are protesting them. The point is men's sex drive is 7-10 stronger than females thus it's impossible to deny how God made us, a Wifu can not or should not be looked upon as a sin since it is a "biological-need" not a want. I now have 14 Wifu's of various sizes and though I did not buy them for sex they have a healing quality to them that I "truly" did not expect. I'm sure one day soon I will engage with my Wifu's but even with real women I always took my time. I can honestly say that I'm just a sinner like everyone else, but I don't see a Wifu as a sin at all, and yes, I talk the the Lord about it everyday as I do my Bible study(LOL). I have a lot of regrets in my life(like getting married), but to have something beautiful, graceful, elegant & "quite" is not one of them(LOL). There is no need for self-flagellations & beatings my brother. God's speed...>>>


3 years ago

A solid block of gibberish aka word salad. You're suffering internal confusion because of the Jew Mind Virus and that Virus is part of the (((TARES))) that get planted in people who submit to the Jews' perverse religion, their psychopathic desert god, and their 'Savior' that was invented by the Vatican. The same 'Savior' that told his gullible followers to love their enemies but hate their parents and kin. Only a fool abides by such toxic doctrine.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Fuck off!


3 years ago

Throw that Bible away and rediscover the superior counsel of men like Confucius and Buddha.

By your appearance, you look like one of the east Asian nations (Japanese?). The teachings of your ancestral wise men are in your blood, whether you realize it or not. Reawaken their counsel and reject the alien doctrines of the Bible.

That Bible hides poison pills deep within the fluff of decent sounding stories. The Bible was invented at the Council of Nicea and Christianity destroyed the vitality of ancient Rome. The crypto-Jews used it as a theological weapon to pacify and rot the White nations of Europe. The Catholics and Jesuit devils took it to Japan and China and fatally disrupted those societies.


3 years ago

Francis, don't beat yourself up like this. Banging a sex doll is the only safe way to express masculine sex desire. You must learn the doctrine of MGTOW and then you'll understand. In time, you might even be ready to accept the Black Pill version of MGTOW. We're living in times when survival is the prime directive.

Granted, a sex doll is NOT what we were created to love or have fun with. But, we're living in a Hell World created by fucking JEWS and our Hell is (((THEIR))) Paradise. The Jew World Order. Learn about it and fuck your sex doll with a clear conscience when you get the urge. It's better to let off steam that way than get trapped with a female that is brainwashed with JEWISH FILTH.

The spirit of LILITH rules and, if you understand what that means, you'll fuck your doll and be content; knowing of what the alternative is.

3 years ago

Jesus-much more than a curse word, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and soon returning Ruler to this Planet!!!


3 years ago

Jeebus took advantage of his gullible followers and preached the most toxic Jewish propaganda that could be invented. The Sermon on the Mount and other related doctrines debauched ancient Rome and have caused societal sickness in every White country that embraced it. "Turn the other cheek" "Love your enemies" and from the Parable of the Wheat and Tares, "let the Tares grow up with the Wheat" are STUPID AND SUICIDAL points of doctrine. Jeebus isn't coming back and there will be no rapture.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: just keep drinking that Atheist Kool Aid son, ITS WORKING!!!


3 years ago

Not an atheist and you have no defense of what you allegedly believe in. Atheism is virtually a JEWISH thing. Rejecting a toxic religion is NOT ATHEISTIC. I am very likely older than you and have come to realize that a lot of what I used to believe in is not true.... son....


3 years ago

I've paused video on 3:35. Our life's in my less than humble opinion are MEANING-less. They are only MEANING in so far as we serve by suffering, they have a meaning for others gain. The gain of the machine and gain of women. They use us mercilessly, and if you think that by using someone you are ''selfish'', i believe that's off mark, because you are only SURVIVING. It's not like you have option short of MAJOR risks. We as men who are awoken at-least partially have to create our own meaning, we were not given any truthful meaning by our predecessors. We are whipped like the true slaves that we are on the daily, they boldly use our biology against us. Show any straight man a pair of tits and a nice ass and hes going to get a tingle, this is heavily exploited. They provoke us into all types of bullshit and philosophies of sexual suppression, knowing full well that it is impossible for us.

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