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I called it, communism in space, if you bring women, you bring communism.

142 Views • 10/27/20
77 Subscribers

So your the baby sitter of women on earth now they want you to be their babysitter in space. Women could never survive in space without the help of men, but men can undoubtedly survive in space and other worlds without women. That is not the issue the issue is that women have the babies, thus we need to solve this problem to be able to leave them behind. This feminist in the video says the issues on the moon will be capitalism and reproducing the same systemic inequalities of todays capitalism and that conquest is bad. They want to preserve the universe from man's touch lol and keep us trapped here on earth. She says its the social aspects that are intriguing, giving them the ability to update laws( which will most undoubtedly only benefit women majority). we must build artificial wombs and sex robots then build a group of men with space technology to leave earth. They will repeat the cycle until extinction because when they do ship women with men on these voyages that end in catastrophe they will come up with all sorts of reasons why and never say it was women until they go extinct. We, if we get to work now, will be long gone. Piggy backing off elon musk technology without him knowing our breakaway civilization plans.

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4 Comments sort Sort By

4 years ago

You called it. Good on you. However, you are not the first. It is understood that communism feeds from female nature among other things. Logically this all culminates in a mgtow exoplanet. Time travel back to this earth and collecting original DNA samples to refresh our reproduction systems may be necessary. Perhaps alien abductions are just mgtow from the future. Men will never be able to explore and own the stars with modern women constantly draining, distracting, and subverting mans control over himself. Once we are strongly positioned, let them have Earth, their cucks, and self created Hell. The only atonement for Adam's sin is to rebuild paradise sans his trust in Eve.

4 years ago

Aliens if they exist are 100% past the female of their species, they have created artificial wombs and an artificial version of their female counterpart. Aliens are 100% beyond patriarchy, they are at a level of peace and stability we have never known. Thats what mgtow has to reach.

4 years ago

@acelaken: Seen a few of your vids and continuing to watch. It seems to me htat the AI revolutino and sex robot revolution cannot be stopped. In other words some would be opposed to it and can delay it a bit but it seems that it is destined from what I can tell so far. It is analogous to the CPU and the internet, I am sue some where against it but it happened anyways. There is no real resistence to the tech revolution the way i see it.

4 years ago

They decided to live together, "OccupyHotelNextToTheUN". What a load of bullshit.

Where do I apply to get those 11 minutes of my life back?

4 years ago

When are men going to learn that women destroy and are not builders. Women are only good for caring for kids up to 7 years old.


4 years ago

Im with the idea of replacing women with robots and artificial wombs but how would we start the plan to leave earth for a new planet without the government stopping us?

4 years ago

Thats very simple the men would just gather up enough funds and pay elon musk for a few of his larger future ships. I am almost certain elon musk would have no objection to seperation and governments would have no so say as its free choice and a free market elon musk can sell his products to anyone he wants. it is very possible. i even think he will come to the same conclusion he just has to learn a hard lesson first which will be an entire colony dieing because they think they can ship gynocentricsm to environments more hostile than antartica.

4 years ago

@acelaken: musk already said it himself if a city on mars is not self sufficient to the point where it would survive even if earth died we are essentially fucked. timeline earth is running out faster than timeline mars can come to full fruition so we dont have to worry if we are making the wrong decision on such a voyage the numbers tell you its the only option.


4 years ago

@acelaken: So when we get the space tech to leave earth, how many red pillers, mgtows, monks and sex robot adopters will fit?

4 years ago

@Brutus: current year starship format for mars allows for 100 men to travel in it. That is the company started in may 2002 and in 18 years they 25xd the amount of people you can send to space. Elon musk says that if they do not stay exponential in growth they will fail so at minimum in the next 18 years there should be ships to allow 2500 men to travel in space in 1 ship. Elon musk plans to build thousands of ships.

4 years ago

@acelaken: we have to make the right financial decision to make this a reality and currently only crypto such as bitcoin ethereum and Hex allow the possibility to make these gains as i myself have increased my net worth 100 fold this year alone. All mgtow men need to do this and get serious. TFM says their are variables and anything ca happen, That is only true to certain extent when the numbers clearly show trajectory towards extinction aknowledging other possibilities is almost akin to think jesus will come back to save us which he does not believe. We need to act, forget no go zones we dont have enough to time. no go zone is a boomer coffin.

4 years ago

@acelaken: oh and cost will go down drastically to build the larger ships as starship is fully reusable. so this is very doable.

4 years ago

we need 100 ships if they cost 100 million to build thats 10 billion dollars. That is a 40k investment from 250k men. Artificial wombs will need to be solved, sex robots are an easy fix. all the technologies to help with life support will be advanced by elon musk and his team we dont have to put thought into that. For the travel time becaus eas you know with current technoogies it would take 1ks of years to reach the nearest habitable world. currently nasa has found 1486 terrestial world and super earths. so the candidates are already known. this is not science fiction.


4 years ago

@acelaken: sounds good, i'm down


4 years ago

@acelaken: I do plan on sharing your solution to Redpillmarried (RPM) since he talks about replacing women with waifus. This needs a bigger audience and is much better than complaining about modern women 24/7

4 years ago

@acelaken: Destination is almost known, sex robots are almost done, artificial wombs is barely getting any mind space in mgtow which is a problem. For speeding up travel times there are many techniques nasa has yet to put to the test. Ion drive, solar sails, em drive, and most recent Helical drive. Many say we should use nuclear bombs for propulsion but this will never happen. fusion or fission travel is also a possibilty. All of these techniques are faster than 50% speed of light.

4 years ago

@acelaken: and now for the finale say 250k men do get these ships and travel to another habitable planet. We have a standing army already for any threats on that world and the law will be to have 7 sons with the artificial wombs each man. so in 5 generations there would be 4 billion men on this world. give or take.

4 years ago

@acelaken: earth will be long dead so we dont have to worry about running into them in the future. Paradise


4 years ago

@acelaken: I prefer this solution than trying to bring back traditionalism, all our problems would go away and we would be free from feminism permanently

4 years ago

@Brutus: correct look at my latest video just a tweet from elon musk he knows if he starts he gets allllll accolades from me.

4 years ago

It may seem as a surprise to you but the government would not try to stop anyone leaving the planet in this scenario, they would be indifferent. If anything they would pitch in with funds but try to put regulations would would be a pro and con situation but wont affect the overall situation much. The gov and elites have their hands full and they care about controlling the Earth and who is on it, they wouldn't care or want to control ppl leaving it in a private matter. They wouldnt see it as a future threat to them as in a future civ returning to takeover the Earth, nor would some ppl leaving be a problem as that keeps the Earth pop down. This is my prediction

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