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I can't even think of a cleve title for this one - comment below
• 08/08/23
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2 years ago
That guy has never even been within sniffing distance of a pussy!
2 years ago
Utterly speechless
2 years ago
There is a thing called "break character"...
2 years ago
2 years ago
A GOOD titlwe for this video should have been "The mind set of a Millennial"! lol! - Or Generation "JEEEEZ"! He sounds like an autistic 5 year old! lol!
2 years ago
Yeh! lol! that Healing Monk shit doe's Rely on having a head, a Brain is not required but a head is a must! lol! Listening to this FUCK WIT sounded like listening to a fucking 5 year old playing at Knights! Necromansor spells never work on the DEAD, because they ARE actually DEAD! He has sniffed to much of the Iron Filings from his own chain Male. This is why Conspiracy theorist wear Tin FOIL hat's to keep fuck wits like this giving them a BAD NAME!