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I can tell you he speaks the TRUTH.... "100% NOT HUMAN" - Something Terrifying is Happening in Antarctica
"100% NOT HUMAN" - Something Terrifying is Happening in Antarctica <br>message strange truth world news current events june 2023 today this week this month motivation <br>In 1939, the Nazis set up a secret base in Antarctica known as New Schwabia. Starting in 1945, Operation Paperclip secretly brought hundreds of Nazi scientists into America where they were hired by the military-industrial complex. In 1946, Admiral Richard Byrd led a military expedition known as Operation High Jump to seek out Nazi base New Schwabia and other Antarctica bases. On his way back to the US, Admiral Byrd told Chilean newspaper El Mercurio that in the event of a new war, the US would be facing military craft that can fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed. In 1959, a dozen nations signed the Antarctic Treaty, making it illegal for anyone to travel south of the 60th parallel without government permission. Since then, curious videos have circulated that show what appear to be Nazi UFOs. And just last Monday, Dr. Stephen Greer introduced Antarctica whistleblower Eric Hecker. @secureteam10 <br> <br>SUBSCRIBE for more <br>WEBSITE - <br>FACEBOOK - <br>INSTAGRAM - <br>TWITTER - <br> <br>Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn... <br> <br>Content licensed
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