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I Don't Like My Wife's Boyfriend LOL - MGTOW

215 Views • 10/24/21
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I don’t like my wife’s boyfriend

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because I didn't get any. So I wanted to comment from someone Glad Panda on the Polyamory Subreddit and here's what he has to say: "My wife and I are new to polyamory, and her first boyfriend seems like a nice guy. They've known each other for a long time, but live apart so everything's virtual at the moment. But our daughter and I are bisexual, and this guy votes for people who actively harm and dehumanize LGBTQ people. My wife's not thrilled about that, either, but I think it makes it hard for me to be supportive. When she's chatting with other new guys from dating apps, I'm excited to hear how it's going, and looking forward to her going on some dates once we're out of the pandemic. But this other guy I have zero respect for. Can others share any similar circumstances?" unquote First of all when Glad Panda says that his wife and her new boyfriend have known each other for a long time that probably means that she was probably cheating on him and if I had to guess I'd say she sprung the whole Polyamory thing on her husband as a cover story for any and all prior affairs. Panda also says that his wife is with this guy and it's a long distance thing online for right now which means he's just in the friendzone. Or at least it appears to be that way for now. I used to think that stories like this were fake but if you go to the Reddit link I put down below there are tons of people responding back to this seriously. Ten years ago many people would shame Glad Panda and call him Sir Simps-A-Lot because he enjoys being cucked. Or think that he was just a troll pulling our leg. How can a man be this excited to be cucked and be picky about the types of men his wife is smashing? Maybe deep down he's worried that her new boyfriend is going to change her political views and that she might end up leaving him for the new guy. What's with people bringing politics into the bedroom. People worked very hard to get the governments and it's sexuality laws from the 20th century out of the bedroom. It's not as if Trump or Republican voters are going to take gays back to the dark days of the village people. I'll discuss more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: Anyways, now back to the weak husbands trying to find just the right man to sleep with their wives clown world show. We are entering that weird place in societal breakdown where it's hard to know if people are trolling or telling the truth about their relationships. Recently I made another video about Pregnant 38 year old woman that was banging her parents and it was their idea. The problem with sexual activity is that it takes more and more to excite you with time. What worked five or ten years ago to reach full blown ecstasy won't work for me today because my brain doesn't release the same sort of high when I fat off to old content. Back in my twenties I watched so much hot stuff that I started going blind. Not exactly but I was getting floaters in my eye from choking the chicken for too long. Apparently there's oxidative stress and you deplete key vidimins and minimins when drain your lizard. But with stories like this reality is now stranger than fiction. How are people supposed to love someone else when open relationships are becoming increasingly common and many couples do that because it's increasingly expensive to get a divorce. Some people in the comments section under the post say many of the things that I initially thought such as perhaps Glad Panda needs to evaluate his relationship with his wife because maybe secretly her political views are to the right? You know it's bad when polyamerous people that have been behaving that way for a long time are saying that too. For most of the 20th century people worked so hard to keep politics outside the bedroom. Ie that we don't let the state dictate what is and isn't acceptable behavior. Now anything goes when it comes to emptying your gonads but a person's political philosophy appears to have become the most important thing in clown world.

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14 Comments sort Sort By
3 years ago

This guys wife will leave him it's plain obvious. The poly relationships were on the talk shows long ago every time they had them on they ended in failure and Jerry Springer showed us with the future with all the weird relationships.

scott sanger
scott sanger
3 years ago

THIS DUDE IS A the world a favor and check out

3 years ago

Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I do.....

3 years ago

Haven't heard Sandman giggled like that in a while.

3 years ago

MARRIED MEN REMIND ME OF CIRCUS BEARS.........ever see a pretty woman coaxing a circus bear around the tent ( jump through the hoop....sit on the chair.....twirl like a ballerina ) with the intent of giving the bear a treat......THATS A MARRIED MAN DOING CHORES FOR HER. stop chasing women.....walk away and take your life back.....DONT BE A CIRCUS BEAR FOR A WHAMAN!!!!

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