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I Told You Muslimcels White Girls Coming Into Islam Are Scamming You
• 02/24/23
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2 years ago
Manosphere MMA let's gooooo
2 years ago
TFM's Mexicans are crashing Amr's show now lmao
You know you're speaking truth when the Mexican landscapers show up!
2 years ago
2 years ago
Mahdi made a new video about bad marriage advices from Imams and muslims, he made also reaction to famous muslim youtubers
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Women should not be in any workplace, school, in the gym, in the plaza or parks, unless like cattle a man is herding them, you cannot have a cow dripping milk from the tit roaming the streets by itself. I only would like to see prostitutes out in public. Jewish sages say being in the presence of women, having conversations with women, for too long, is unhealthy and bad for you spiritually and mentally. I know low iq simps love dating and gaming women, performing their pigeon dance, genuinely enjoy sexless relationships with women and girl talk , but its a global and national embarrassment, they are not men. I will grant that this extraverted sassiness found in blacks or Mexican men is actually feminine and something that is associated with "game", which is related to women wanting to see men jester, squirm. I say this because I think the majority of american white men have no real sexuality or game.
2 years ago
Atheists or secularists still hold onto christ morality and puritanism, and they tell the normies and guards what to do. At least pagans in times past were engaging in weeks or months long orgies, feasts, dancing and music. Christ advocated not stoning the adulterous woman, loving your enemies, and turning the other cheek. Christians believe that a Jewish man that got crucified on a tree was a god.