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I Went To Utah To See What The Hype Was All About

21 Views • 08/13/23
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Who would have thought THIS was America's favorite new destination. Is the hype overrated? <br> <br>I went all around Utah to report back on if this state is all it's cracked up to be. <br> <br>#usa #utah <br> <br>Email me: [email protected]. <br> <br>I can help you find a real estate agent! Email me! <br> <br>My Instagram: Nick Johnson YouTube- <br> <br>I have a Patreon if you love it so much! Here's the link to donate to the channel: <br> <br>You can buy my music here: <br> <br>iTunes: <br> <br>This channel is about America! <br> <br>The best video on this topic!

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KEEPER 1 year ago  

to some of you who know me, i was raised in this state, but i had to leave because i started seeing the direction of commies from commifornia moving into the state, and i know what direction that will lead eventually given enough time and influence.

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1 year ago

btw, the ex-mormon reddit is full of bullshit and lies... its sad but they feel that they have to bash the LDS church for some reason...
so yea, utah is becoming more and more of a shithole.

1 year ago

some of them might have been mormons or LDS people, but i figure some of them weren't even in the church with the bullshit they throw out lol. now i may not have gone to church in nearly a decade but i know bullshit when i hear it about the church and these guys in the video couldn't be more wrong lol, but i suppose ignorance is bliss and they believe whatever they wish to believe, so people like this guy in the video who knows next to nothing believed these people were actual X-mormons, but from the answers given it sounds like a group of people making shit up to make it appear as if they grew up in the church, i for one did grow up in that church and i remember quite lot of my experiences so i know the lies and the made up stuff and can usually call it out, but i'm no longer a church goer, so i suppose something could have happened within the last decade away from going could have happened. funny enough the church encouraged that i use my free agency to not go to church to gain some perspective, and that perspective has changed somewhat, but from what i do know, some things have changed when it comes to some decisions the church makes, i left back when Obama was encouraging immigration as the church echoed that statement, and at the time i thought was the wrong decision as i saw what happened to Europe and didn't want to see that shit happen here, but i understood their position on this, because of the teachings of Jesus Christ, it was in their goals of these teachings to accept these people no matter what, and i just thought that was foolhardy and ignorant, it didn't feel as if the church was lead by a prophet at that point, it felt like the prophet just bended his knee for Obama's decree to destroy a nation of people with people who weren't properly vetted.

1 year ago

maybe i'm an asshole for saying this, but it is what it is, i feel the way i feel for good reasons, is our nation better for following Obama's direction? is the border still a shit' deal? yes they are and will likely be shit forever because we allowed that corruption to exist in this country.

1 year ago

@KEEPER: the only issues that people should have in or out of the LDS church is when they try to force their beliefs on others whether it is in SLC or any other city... when they try to force their will on others they are doing the exact same thing as the jews and sadly the 'catholic' church are doing already, that part of things should disgust anyone...

1 year ago

@KEEPER: when the deepstate/jews decided by fiat to make unconstitutional laws and started the process of separation of the real Christianity (and i do not mean the jewish catholicism nonsense) and the state that is when this all started... and since no one has done anything about it, well here we are.

1 year ago

@KEEPER: "the only way for evil to win, is for good men to do nothing" thought to be a quote from edward burke (this has been true throughout the entirety of human history)

1 year ago

liberalism/progressive = death

1 year ago

yea SLC has been becoming more and more degenerate in the last 40 yearrs, it has gotten really bad...

1 year ago

funny enough their own scriptures have said that Utah will one day be one of the most corrupt cities in the world some day in the future, right now it doesn't appear to be that bad, but i suspect a lot of that corruption will come from the commies from commiefornia moving there, i have even noticed that influence in the church membership, a lot of liberals infiltrate these churches, probably to learn everything about them and convince them to change some laws and influence others to better favorable laws in their corrupt direction, liberals are good at one thing, corruption and destroying cities that were built by competent people and cultures, everything they touch turns to shit at some point or another.

1 year ago

@KEEPER: well potentially, but it would seem that the choice to become that way has been made... time will tell for sure...

1 year ago

are you doing the gay voice on purpose?...
SLC is big, also its LDS not 'mormon' the mormons are a splinter group that is basically a cult...

1 year ago

i thought he sounded gay too lol. but yeah your right, you must be either from utah yourself or you know your stuff without to much bias for that comment, most people just accept the bullshit lies and that's that, their mind is made up because they heard something from an "on" X-mormon, i wouldn't really consider myself as an X mormon, but i don't go to church and haven't gone for nearly a decade, i hold no ill will against them or anything, however i don't trust everything in the leadership of the church and they aren't perfect, but that's true for anyone in any group out there.

1 year ago

@KEEPER: i am a member of the LDS church, so i do know quite a bit, not everything since no one can know everything except god, but enough to understand what has been going on and aprox. when it started and the bullshit that is spewed on reddit in regards to the 'ex-members'... now some of them do have legitimate gripes but those are almost non-existent.

1 year ago

@sbseed: i'm not a regular reddit user so i wouldn't know, however i have hung out in discord servers of alleged members and i have already seen a change in the youth who are in these servers, they don't like politics to the degree where they won't even allow floating the idea of any conversation in that direction they live their lives in this ignorant bubble of the discord space, many of them hold comunistic ideals even as members of the church, but i understand they grew up in another reality than i did as i experienced the good in people when i was younger back in the 90s, yeah it wasn't perfect but we were far better off back then, then we are now, the church was significantly more conservitive back then and people lived according to the word far better than they do now including myself, i guess i have fallen off that wagon to a degree, i never served a mission, but i was close but i wasn't being totally honest to myself and the lord and i knew it so i decided not to, however i did do splits with some missionaries and that was a good experience, but i don't think i could do that kind of thing now with who i have become, i have become in many ways the natural man talked about in the scriptures, however i still believe in revilations and things to come to a degree, i just came to the realisation recently that it's likely going to be the mormons who will lead us all into the mark of the beast, but not intentionally, it will be a slow progression according to their values that this will be the cause of it.

1 year ago

@KEEPER: i can understand the not wanting politics part of things, but unfortunately it is unavoidable... as far as growing up, it depends on both the parents and the schools they attended (all public schools are indoctrination centers to begin with anyways)...

1 year ago

@KEEPER: as for the LDS mission stuff i was in the same boat basically, i knew i was not really worthy and was never going to be in a proper mindset for it, as to the mormons (the cult splinter group) they are already headed that way... the LDS church itself, no idea about the youth these days but the leadership has said that it is 'ok to be gay' and i think are embracing the gay marriage BS... at that point i just stopped bothering to go to church, i believe in the scriptures and i believe in god but i am not interested in another 'church of the world' like the catholic church. i am still a member though. as to fewer people joining or attendance falling well that is an obvious sign of the times and leaderships decisions in regards to accepting certain things.... many of us are still extremely conservative, not the neo cons (the ones who claim to be conservative but are anything but) and are still true christians instead of the pretentious fair weather christians (those who pretend to be christian when it is convenient) i am human and i make my own choices but i do not hide what or who i am or choose to be behind a facade of 'perfect' christianity..

1 year ago

@sbseed: it's weird watching it all fall from grace, they dropped the boy scouts of america because they were trying to add women gays and trans kids into the activities, and the church was their biggest client and they dropped them like a bag of hammers lol, but they tried to blame the LDS church for this, when it was them who changed their code of ethics on the church and caused this as their final result, play stupid games, win stupid prizes boyscouts of america.

1 year ago

@KEEPER: absolutely correct... although in my opinion the church waited way to long to drop them, the 'boy scouts' at first had background checks and stuff on all staff and scout masters to keep gays out, then they decided to let the faggots continue on depsite reported abuse... that started when i was still one, when i got my eagle scout award (sadly signed by the pedo'n'chief billery itself) they where well into allowing faggots, women/girls in because of sexism bullshit and that was the end as far as i was concerned.... anyone that allowed their kids to become a part of that was pedo supporter in my opinion. i was flabbergasted when i first came face to face with a female counselor in boy scouts for the first time, i was thinking to myself WTF this is supposed to be BOY scouts not everyone scouts women have their own shit. the femanazi tomboys could have done the work to fix girl scouts (which was shit from the beginning and already a sync of depravity) it does not take long for bad things to come out and destroy itself and not long for something good to be corrupted totally and destroyed...

1 year ago

@sbseed: i agree they did drag their asses a bit too long to make the right decision.

1 year ago

that just reminds me of how the government handles things, they start doing something because morons complain about it and so they decide to invade another space meant for something else and then it's destroyed due to their incompetence and lack of information in how things will turn out with their stupid ass choices.

1 year ago

and then of course they blame the men and boys for it like always.

1 year ago

@KEEPER: yep, sadly.

1 year ago

@sbseed: your probably a better person than i, lately it feels like prayer is useless i feel as i'm talking to nobody and nobody is listening even when addressing Jesus Christ, in fact i don't think i have ever felt anything come from prayer, i look at it like one of those stupid wine testings where people make up what they taste and how that makes them feel. it sucks because even when i have repented i felt no sorrow so even that felt pointless and empty and more like i was speaking to my self. you seem more spiritual than me from your responses.

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