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If U won't accept ALL and worship, they ask..."What's wrong with U"? [ A missed upload ]- MGTOW
• 03/19/21
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4 years ago
Right there with you, Brother. My family have been believing I'm gay since my then fiancé had broke it off (looking back I didn't just dodge a bullet but a 40mm grenade) going on 5 years ago. Going by their "logic", you are either in a relationship or getting laid or you are gay. The shaming they try to place is hilarious; "It's alright if your gay, don't stress about it and just admit it to yourself. We still love you regardless." Or my personal favorite, "You know, since you aren't wanting to chase girls anymore, I know of a guy friend who has been asking about you. Go out with him, it's just one date. He's such a nice guy and he says he is wanting to comfort you after your breakup. You want me to give him your number?"
4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago
Video is restricted to 18+
How donI fix this?
4 years ago