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72 Views • 07/30/21
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3 years ago

One interesting thing is that biden is forcing the military personnel to take the vaccine. You would think if it is dangerous then they wouldnt give it to the military but they could also just say it is the vaccine and just inject saline for show so we will never know.


3 years ago

NOW is the time for General Jack T Ripper! Instead of sending the B-52's to do a surprise strike on the Russkies, send them to bomb Washington, Wall Street, and nuke the everlivin' shit out of shadow government system in Colorado. Obliterate the Denver Int'l Airport as that place is crammed full of Jew World Order stuff. The USSR was never the Evil Empire, fucked up as they were. The fucking (((ENEMY))) is right here! ... BTW, bomb Harvard and Yale, if they have any bombs left over. Harvard and Yale spread more Jew-communist poison than ANY academic institution on the fucking planet!

3 years ago

Look at the guy in this video, he still has the fighting spirit. I would join this man and so would other americans, this is what we call the militia. We will best them easily. The sjw tranny army will cut and run, they will likely not even try and abscond from duty when they actually have to show what mettle they have, none. Did you see those bitches on the floor when they stormed the capitol? They were scared shitless. This spirit is still in a lot of americans. They have shown how incompetent they are with this covid thing, people just have short attention spans. Wasted money, empty massive hospital ships, empty field hospitals made for no reason, endless ventilators created that were never used, lies, deception, ineffective vaccines, violent oppression of people under false pretenses, strange abnormalities in the us 2020 election, senile president, a fornicator vice president. The governments are going to start to have a very hard time when they persist with further lockdowns and start running out of money. God will help america when the majority of the people stop there support of the makers of inequity they let into the government. The government in the us is a representative government, and it represents the majority of the people in the us which are Unfortunately sinful reprobate people. Right now its a waiting game until the government royally screws up and I think that it wont be long at the rate things are going. The common man has to come to his sense about the falsehoods they are telling about the vaccine, the. It will begin to turn around.


3 years ago

Men should become familiar with Alexander Solzhenitsyn's, GULAG Archipelago. The money quote from that book features the sickening guilt and angst for NOT FIGHTING BACK when they had the chance. Solzhenitsyn knew 100% about the JEWS who imposed communism and murdered 60+ million people in the Soviet Union from 1917-1956. I could go on but, here's the money quote:

"... And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps (Jewish-flag blue) were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat. ....

The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! ****** If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.*******

WE'RE THERE, MEN. The Sheeple and Shabbos Goyim alike have no idea of what they're throwing away and (((WHO))) is pushing this COVID crap so hard. "Herd immunity" is how the JEWS view YOU. By the Torah and Talmud, YOU and I are herd animals; the best of us are cattle. (((THEY))) want the masses killed off to make the world ready for the Jew World Order! As (((Harold Wallace Rosenthal))) pointed out, Jews worship Satan. Not by mere words or ritual but by action and sharing in the Devil's lusts.

3 years ago

The masses are stupid, and you are not enough to make any change. Fight back? Fight for what? For what reason would i fight back other than make sure im not going alone? Fight back for the ones who got me in this position to start with? I'm not fighting back for no fucking cause bigger than me. If hiding in the mountains is what keeps me breathing, that's what I'll do. Only fools think the ones who set this shit in motion didn't cover all fronts. Any resistance was taken into account, and a proper way to make it go away will be implemented. Germany, USSR, Cambodia, China, etc... This is not a "let's see how far can we go", they know exactly how far can they go. They've done it multiple times in recent history.


3 years ago

@TheManInside: Well said. Yet, in the spirit of defiance, I constantly use incendiary rhetoric to get men to fight back. NOT in support of what we have but, against what is coming. The Baby Boomers can be blamed for a lot but, at least we remember what the real America looked like so, we're sort of burdened with a memory that compels some of us to fight on its behalf. Those who went to Vietnam are a special case as they remember the Good Land they grew up in but, also remember the total betrayal they suffered in Vietnam and when they came home. Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z have no memory of America so, they will be the easiest for the Jew World Order to absorb. In all fairness to Gen X, they could see the residue of what America used to be so, a few might construct a faux memory and fight for that. AS IT IS NOW........... there's nothing to fight for.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: There's nothing more to fight for. Commies won, again. It's not going back. Never in the history of any civilisation was a move back to where they were. Not gonna be different this time. The difference this time... During every other event in history, individual people, and entire populations, had where to flee. This time, the entire world is targeting you. There's nowhere to go. Get the best quality knife you can get, learn how to use it. Acquire the skills to survive winter. You probably gonna need it.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: If I am honest with myself. I truly believe this is the end of an era. Technological we are about to reach a collapse, as has happened multiple times throughout history, bei6the dark ages the most recent manifestation of a technological collapse. An event like this is perfect for the loss of knowledge. Too many people are needed to make something as simple as a shoe. Not long ago, 1 single person could make shoes for an entire village.


3 years ago

@TheManInside: The old shoe cobbler had only leather to work with. He wasn't dependent on synthetic materials and fickle taste in his customers. Taking it further, it is impossible for something technically simple as a basic AM/FM radio to be mass produced in the U.S. I'm sure a few hand-made ones could be made at enormous expense because the entire supply chain would have to be rebuilt from scratch. Even our ZOG War Machine is dependent on many foreign suppliers; China included. I'd say for the first time, there's no New Land to run to and a Lord Macaulay in the early 19th century accurately predicted the outcome for the late 20th century. Somehow, I don't know how, Whites are going to HAVE to stand their ground and kill our oppressors who've created this increasingly chaotic hellworld we're living in. I agitate out of hope but, when I look around at the mask-wearing Sheeple, I see no hope. I have elderly neighbors in their 80's and, God Bless 'em, they are Good People. But, even though the NFL has gone full Woke, they STILL watch the Electric Jew and root for their New England Patriots and two other teams that I can't remember. To me, it just tears me up to see 500+ years of progress destroyed and no hope in Hell of recovering it later.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: No doubt we're in the same boat.

3 years ago

I am familiar with Solzhenitsyn I have one of his books called from under the rubble. I know the quote you speak of where he said that everyone regretted not fighting back when the had the chance. I think we have a tendency to be optimistic, the people that got sent to gulags probably didnt think that would happen. There are definitely parallels happening today, they just deployed the military in Sydney Australia to enforce lockdown. As crazy as it sounds, the US has turned out to be one of the best places to be during the lockdown. In most areas it's like nobody even cares much and in the libtard areas is is only slightly bad in some areas. I feel sorry for the uk Australia and Canada but the majority of the people in these countries are very compliant. I read the other day that canada has over 75 percent vaccination rate or something torward 85 percent. So the sad thing is I think like you infinite but we are the minority so it is hard to win man

3 years ago

Also consider, the guy that made this video could likely be arrested for what he is saying if he were in most other western countries besides america


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I have no doubt that you are correct. Still... one must try and vigorously awaken those who CAN receive the message. Strong and incendiary rhetoric is vital. It may be metaphorical and even a bit superstitious but, the Universe has fighters prepared for such times as these. They must be summoned forth and awakened to why they were born and how life have prepared them to do what must be done. There is NO HOPE in Due Process, Judicial Remedy, and Political Access. Only death and destruction to our (((OPPRESSORS))) and TERROR to the Shabbos Goyim / compliant Sheeple who would come to their aid.

3 years ago

Well, I feel the same way. But as I don't want to be taken down by the sheep dogs, I'll do my best to flee before they come knocking on my door.
If I can't do it on time... I also have something that can penetrate skin. And is way thicker and longer than a fucking needle.

3 years ago

The United states has one of the largest standing military forces in the world, I get the sense you may not be american, but the us military has no chance at all on beating down an uprising in the united states they simply do not have the numbers. If the populace was in open rebellion the military would not be able to quell it. Even it it were just 5-10 percent of the population doing guerilla tactics they would fail severely and that's even if all of the military is willing to go against it's own countryman which is unlikely. The situation is similar to what I describe in most other western nations but they have it worse due to the lack of firearms. Firearms and other destructive resources are easily acquired in the us. Do not be demoralized too much. Remember in the darkest hour 300 men stood at thermopylae and changed the course of history. The same happened with charles martel at tours. We will turn this around. We will beat the communist, god despises communists and they will fail again, you will see.

3 years ago

People around the world are sick of their governments. They better be careful and stick to their sneaky tactics because if they slip up and expose themselves to the normies these people are going to be drawn and quartered.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: I'm stuck in the shithole (aka EU). Some people do talk about stopping this shit. There were several lessons I learned in school. Probably the most important was, everyone talks, when the time comes to act, you move forward, everyone else walks away leaving you to get the stick. If pressured, they'll rat on you, throw you under the bus to save their skin. I got the rod multiple times because I refused to snitch on others. That time is over. Whoever wants anything can go for it, not me. Isn't that why MGTOW exists? Don't give a fuck what others need/want? Or a consequence of getting fucked over and over again?

3 years ago

@TheManInside: everything you said is true in my opinion. In my view, the best thing is to do nothing right now. You want to be as the leech sucking the blood out of the government while we wait for them to screw up. You dont need to act out or do anything crazy, when the time comes you will feel it in your gut what is right to do. Lenin, the commie had a quote like this "sometimes it takes years for a week to happen and other times years can happen in a week". He is right. Sun tzu in his art of war always said to retreat when your enemy is stronger, frustrate him, dont allow the satisfaction of victory, live to fight another day. We are all at this point and I share your sentiments. When the time is right it is possible they will destroy themselves and go to hell with there father satan where they belong. Be passive aggressive do things just to waste the governments time and energy, just act stupid and make mistakes is small ways to make life difficult for government workers. Any creative ideas you can think of are great. Just do stuff like that for now.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: That's not my intention at all, being annoying means I got "their" attention. And that's exactly what I want to avoid. I'll be a ghost as much as possible. If no one notices me, no one looks for me (which is not happening now as the jab powers are actively harassing me), I'll be happy. When the time to react comes... If I'm alive, I'll be too old to get involved in that shit. Who knows, maybe the next generations won't be so filled with soy. There are some fine young men today, unfortunately they are very, very few.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: sorry I messed up the quote, Lenin said it better even if he is a despicable commie:"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"--Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: The ones who can takes out of this, they are children today.

3 years ago

@TheManInside: it's ok if you prefer to not draw attention maybe it is not your role. But for example there are videos where Brits are just brutally cussing out police because of there tyrannical behavior, it's great give them a bunch of stress. Then there is this other guy called socialexperimentist that just goes around screwing with people about the retarded covid stuff just to grind there gears. Stuff like that. Chuck stink bombs in police cars. Randomly break things you see, just think of stupid annoying stuff to do to government slaves to make their lives miserable.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: won't last long. Just saying.

3 years ago

@TheManInside: what wont?

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: the "resistance". Where I live, there are still people who talk about how people would disappear and never been seen again. In a time where there was no electronics tracking you all the time. There are reports coming from South America that it is happening there, if it ever was not a reality. People will get arrested for the most insignificant things, and the normies will approve that. I can see it at the supermarket, people are picking fights because at the register someone got 20cm too close. This is ridiculous.

3 years ago

@TheManInside: the system they are promoting and trying to implement will never last because it is unsustainable. Nobody needs to even resist because it is entirely impractical and unsustainable. You must consider your relative comfort compared to what our ancestors went through. The idea for now is to survive and find useful things you can in the meantime. We dont need a resistance, there system will fail on its own

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: No doubt about that. The question is: will it collapse during my lifetime?

3 years ago

@TheManInside: absolutely. 10 years tops until there is a drastic change in the way of life in the west. It will likely deteriorate badly in the next 5 years.

3 years ago

@TheManInside: I dunno how it will go down in europe, but here in the united states, there is just too much space to cover logistically. I'm not even sure china has enough projective force to actually invade and occupy the us effectively. Sure they could nuke the us, but anyone could do that to anyone else theoretically

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: 5 years, no way. 10! Who knows. Remember 9/11? Temporary measures? 20 years ago? At the time I was working at the largest financial institution in the country. An obvious target. I was young and not that bright, the scare tactics did work, many times I entered that massive building and thought if I would see the sun set that day. Today I see that fear on everyone, I don't fear a bug, I fear the stupidity epidemic.

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: China doesn't need to invade. They can just crash electric production, which they own, so they can. Starve the West, as they produce the majority of the tools western countries use to produce food. They can makes walk everywhere, as they have their hands in every vehicle produced in the world. They can cut every communication network in the world. Invasion is last millennium war. China is way beyond that.

3 years ago

@TheManInside: china cant do what you are saying, you are just wrong here. We are there breadbasket. China would be devastated if the us was in turmoil. This period is called Pax Americana, before it was Pax Romana. The us is the cause for a semblance of stability in the world. When the us falters, which it will, many countries in the world will also falter with it

3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: who benefits from that?

3 years ago

@TheManInside: in my opinion nobody benefits in the short term from disrupting the world order as it stands. There are probably very foolish sinful evil people who think they will benefit, but they will not. China needs us for food. They need us to buy their products. China does not have the production capacity to sustain it's own population without trade. The people of china also hate their own government as well


3 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: You and TheManinside have a fantastic dialog going. I'll add that it's past time trying to wake the Sheeple It's time to rouse the lions from their slumber.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: I know man at least we can talk without censorship for a bit.

3 years ago

3 Stripes, Crossed Rifles. He was a Sergeant with an E-5 Paygrade. Nice.


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