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Im EXPOSING the whole thing before they get to me - Edward Snowden - Published Yesterday
• 07/02/23
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2 years ago
I went into space and met the UFO people and got anally probed, and I can personally verify that they don't exist.
2 years ago
exactly, why hide what has happened and then now talk about vague shit that does not even make sense...
besides everything else that is being suppressed... as if we are supposed to just suddenly trust everything the MSM and deepstate/gov. after they have been lying for 80 - 100 years or so at the least now...
2 years ago
Anything that expedites the collapse of this corrupt government is fine with me. If this is what leads to the Truth, and to our imminent Divine Correction, won't be pretty (it'll be downright excruciatingly painful, imo), but will be a necessary cleansing by the Creator to right our spirits, and sent the Adversary to the bottomless pit; his "new home" for the next millenium.
2 years ago