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Imagine Being Your Own Worst Enemy (Breakdown) TIRED of Being Lonely!
• 07/30/23
181 Subscribers
If you want to support the channel <br> <br> <br>How to Spot: #Analysis #Reaction #React <br>How are things looking out there in your area of the world going forward? <br>Breakdown <br>Emily Ratajkowski Mia Khalifa Khalifah
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2 years ago
You rejected "The Good Man" in your Twenties, and now it is to late. Unless a miracle happens, you better get used to Saturday Nights with Netflix and Haagen-Dazs!!!
2 years ago
"The perfect man". News flash Girlfriend, HE DOESN'T EXIST!!!!!!!! That's why you are Single!!!
2 years ago
Gents, please notice that The Relationship is all about her and her needs. SHE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU AND YOUR NEEDS, HOPES, DREAMS, GOALS, AND DESIRES.
2 years ago
It reminds me of throwing witches in the river....
If she sinks and drowns, she is not a witch.
If she floats, then she is a witch and shall be tried and burned at the stake.
Fuck them - just throw them in the river with a few house bricks.
Saves all the hassle.