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In Communist Melbourne - a man with a hammer knocks down a security CBD camera!!
• 04/24/23
209 Subscribers
Wouldn't do this myself but I can understand his frustration!! <br>I am sick and tired of these cameras everywhere monitoring everything that we do!! <br>It's all part of the 15 minute City facial recognition crap!!! <br>Note how they call it 'bizarre'? I find these cameras everywhere 'bizarre'. They are NOT for our 'safety'!!!!
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Hmmmm needs a short to medium length handled club hammer - the claw hammers are passable but you need more head weight and less stroke.
The more ideal hammers are about 1.5 - 2 Kg in head weight.
2 years ago
The fascist Aussie governments that support this NWO bullshit need to be brought to justice
2 years ago
use one of those hand held tasers to fry the circuit board on the cameras.
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
Now, if you can get a group of (larger) hammer wielding mates performing their mission in unison...
2 years ago
2 years ago
he might have chosen a "softer" target. would have taken a bit more research to get it right, but he's gonna get slammed anyway.