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Indian Men Need To Stop Simping - MGTOW

241 Views • 02/12/23
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Sponsor Link: <br>Chris Whalen CPA <br> <br> <br> <br>Mystery Link: <br> <br>Rumble: <br>Odysee.TV: <br>Bitchute Link: <br> <br> <br> <br>Paypal / Email: Sandmanmgtow @ <br> <br>Bitcoin Address: bc1qtkeru8ygglfq36eu544hxw6n9hsh22l7fkf8uv <br> <br> <br>Hi Everyone Sandman Here, <br> <br>This video is brought to you by a donation from Chetan and here's what he has tosay: &quot;Hi Sandman, chetan from himalayas. I have been living like a monk for 2 years now but got all horny so texted a few sugar babies contacts I had from 2021. Met one from my region, a fair college going girl. But she used me as her emotional tampon &amp; cried the whole night about being molested and getting smashed by different dudes. I didn't smash her after listening to her sob story &amp; paid her about 300$ when she left. After that disaster I met this white woman from the uk in Delhi. She too told me a sob story of getting molested, abused by some indian dude in uk who got her to come to india &amp; now she's whoring to get by. I ended up dropping another 300$ without any smashing. My SIMPathies arise when I hear such stories. Not sure how true those stories are but I can't smash after hearing all that. I offered these girls wisdom to get by in life &amp; <br>not be a hoe but I'm sure they are not interested in wisdom. They only want money. Now I am left only with negative thoughts of ugly currycels abusing good looking girls world over!&quot; unquote. Chetan I'm glad you recognize your simping and that you need to stop. What if these women you spoke to intentionally told you a sob story because that's what they tell a lot of Indian men so you guys feel simpathy for them, give them money but don't actually sleep with them? That way they get the cash but don't have to open their gash. But please for the love of your god Ganesh you've been going off on Indian guys dating worthless white western women that visit your country. You know about all the red flags and yet you still fell for them. Bro stay away from that hoe. Your little head took over but I think it's only temporary. You have situational awareness but also sexual frustration. I'd suggest you just watch some fapping off material and get your frustration out that way. I've been going that way for 7 years now and am done with whamen. Funny enough you're the one paying them as your sugar babies and they are the ones getting all the value because they get attention and treat you like their emotional tampon. Two women in a row saying the same sorts of things to you is more than a coincidence. It's probably incredibly common. Or at least they want you to think it is. It's hilarious to listen to all these stories about western women moving to India to meet Rajrone and have him give them the bone. Especially considering that western men's masculinity keeps on collapsing. I look around here and the Indian guys look like guys and the young home grown white males look like they are femme boys. Feminine women are usually attracted to masculine men. So it makes sense that if western men are becoming less attractive to western women that they are going to go overseas for Indian men. Which is a trend we didn't see five or ten years ago. Western women have emasculated men here so now they are going overseas to do the same elsewhere. Chetan sounds to me like you need to go through the red pill rage 2.0. That your subconscious needs to become as aware of female nature and ring the warning bells in your head just the same way. I think you're doing the right thing going back to dating. It's only through dating experience that I finally had that red pill rage 2.0 myself. Right now you're feeling sympathy for those whamen that used use an emotional tampon. But if you keep doing what you're doing I think it will turn to rage. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Chris Whalen: <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request. <br> <br>Ad Image Credits: <br> <br>1. <br> <br>2.

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4 Comments sort Sort By
2 years ago

Next time you meet one of these sugar babies, shove your dick in their mouths. It makes a good verbal plug. If she fights or bites you, just slap her. If she keeps it up, leave and don't pay. If she threatens to cry rape, well I guess you have no choice but to kill the bitch then. It's you or her. Women lie and they may blow the police officers just to kill you.

2 years ago

Big Simpin India going MGTOW? Oh Hell, the world is ending!

2 years ago

Or the issue is that these women know each other and they talked how to get 300 dollars from him with doing nothing.

2 years ago

The fact that this guy dropped multiple $300 checks without having sex just goes to show you how much of a pathetic simp beta he is. I mean having sympathy for these women is bad enough but the fact that he would pay without smashing proves he's got no sex drive. I hope the dipshit who wrote you that story sees this comment lol STOP BEING A BETA BITCH DUDE! LOSE THE BITCH BOI TITS!

2 years ago

Well, we do not know what muscle bond pimp they have bro! Thugs came out of India: I do not know if you know what a "thug" was; so, I'll tell ya: Thugs were cult followers of human blood drinking destroyer goddess Kali. They randomnly killed people on the road, well "highway" as it were... you know those "highway men."

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