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International women's day vs international men's day. - Episode 42

174 Views • 03/09/22
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SoloManZone 3 years ago  

If femons were so great as the are always advertising themselves as, then people would already know it, the trouble is they have over sold themselves and are a broken species and real men ain't buying the crap anymore

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3 years ago

The Jew (((MEDIA))) doesn't care if we buy it or not. All that matters is that the (((Official))) message is what goes into the archives. Any protests will be erased and, in 10 years or so, anything that mocks or rejects the feminist imagery will not be found anywhere. The children of the Millennials and Zoomers will be in the Indoctrination Centers (formerly known as "schools") and the only thing they can find on the internet will be what the Jews have permitted to be retained. This will not be hard as I've noticed websites go down like flies and stuff that you used to find even 3 years ago is already gone or difficult to find. The Sheeple have the attention span of goldfish and a surprising number don't even remember (or have even heard of) manufactured idiots like Greta Thunberg.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Well, the Jews did like sacrificing lambs to their "God," I am not sure if it is El the "God of Israel" as they claim, but young sheep are lambs right? What do you call young or immature sheeple? Their sacrifice. They are prepared to sacrifice all Millennials and Zoomers not to mention sterilize them, via vaxx or "gender disphoria" ie hormone therapy. So, how are you not seeing they are literally killing us?


3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Yeah, I get it. I was addressing the OP's comment that real men aren't buying the crap anymore. I pointed out that those of us who see (((THEM))) in plain view don't matter in the long run. All that matters is what goes in the archives and (((THEY))) will control what the future students will be permitted to learn about this and prior periods in history. As George Orwell so perfectly pointed out, "Those who control the present control the past and those who control the past control the future." InfiniteMushroom's Corallary says that the future is already being taught today and the future will only know the past that was placed in the archives.

3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Ever heard of man name Joshua Kristos or in translated English, Jesus Christ. He was killed like a common criminal, but in thred hundred years his name and fame had overtaken and outlasted the Roman Empire and their Imperial cults.. He is not the only one. Heard of Socrates? or the Dead Sea Scrolls? What you are saying sounds right, even when shit is cast in stone, such as the Jews Exodus from Egypt and Main Stream Academia and Media lie about it, it still gets out. This is in my video I am working on. I hope to be done soon. Smarter people will prevail I think, maybe lucky ones too. The "Roman courting" bishops tried to censor the Bible and organize their own, but even after destroying the Book of Adam and Eve, it's message was still taught in Bible school. They over reach and over think their own power. As the Dead Sea Scrolls prove, the censors mostly lost in the long term but seemed to have won for centuries. For millenia, Troy and any city in the Bible other than Rome, Syracuse and all those New Testament stops of Paul, did not exist, but you know what, in the late 19th Century, a German self taught intellect found Troy, which everybody knew was myth. The Academics tried to say Troy was not Greek, bt Ventris a WW2 code breaker proved their language was preGreek. Mainstream lies, but they do not control as much as they think they do. Records can be found...

3 years ago

Sorry bro, I did not think it was that long! I only saw one line at time?... Well, I am a writer ; - )


3 years ago

@WMHarrison94: Yes, I have heard of Jeebus. I was born and raised in a good White two-parent Methodist household; in the glorious land of mid-century America. It's taken decades to get where I am and is an ongoing process. Jeebus did live but, the meme of him that we know was INVENTED by the crypto-Jews at the Council of Nicea. The Jews hated Christ because he promised them a spiritual kingdom and they wanted an Earthly kingdom that they would rule over as their father (the Devil) promised them. What better way to punish the Gentiles than to impose their most hated rabbi than make him into a "Savior" and tell them to "love their enemies (Jews)" and hate their parents and kinfolk and other bizarre beatitudes. Jeebus preached a message fit for women and slaves. Not free men. Christianity was imposed by the sword upon the subjects of the late Roman Empire by order of Emperor Constantine. It didn't spread by consent and love of the faith. Even so, many of the early Christian writers HATED THE JEWS and that loathing echoed the proper pagan attitude on the subject.

3 years ago

Men have to grow some self respect and walk away from women, if that means the collapse of society, then so be it, men will prevail. This is exactly what the Globalist want to reduce the world population

3 years ago

Bro, soyciety is already collapsing without us...

3 years ago

women via feminism far from being equal have open the gap of equality to such a large void that women will never be accepted into a MAN's world out side maybe of being a slave or sub human to a MAN? As the walker Brother's sang in 1978 i think? "There's not regret's, No tears goodbye, I don't want you back, you'll only cry again".

3 years ago

I guess the planet is so SOULLESS these day's an International being HUMAN day isn't possible either!

3 years ago

Not all of it. These lying Lame Stream Media is trying to paint that picture... Not yet anyway.

3 years ago

I ALWAY's celebrate International MGTOW day on 14th Feb every year when I treat myself to some cool item or go for a nice quite Meall and laugh at Valentines Day, which used to be on that date for me! lol! Besides MEN don't need a MEN's Day because we don't need to over pander to any failings like women. as you say IWD is every day, and that is only because they are such fucking failures especially without a Guy around to do shit for them? lol! Using Valentines day as international MGTOW Day show's that REAL MEN are above all the ReliationSHIT stuff and having to spend out 0on some already overly spoiled fefail CUNT! lol!. women HAVE to BIG themselves up with speciaql day's and crap because they actually know deep inside they are totally useless especially without a MAN, but now the MEN are Gone they have to moan about everything they have created as well, namely their self created <MISERY! lol!

3 years ago


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