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Irish people are fucked

44 Views • 11/13/22
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TheManInside 2 years ago  

Let's just remember this law doesn't protect white native Irish people, this is to punish white Irish people, and white Irish alone.

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2 years ago

It tough for all these cultures to attempt to live together in such a small area, the situation is very different then america. Ireland should establish itself in a protectionist manner and have very restrictive immigration policies similar to japan. Ireland is an actual homeland for Irish people and in my view, foreigners should not be given citizenship ever, only temporary status, or a long term resident program but never full citizenship unless one can prove lineage. It is not nice what he said to this guy, but its just words, free speech must stand so long as it doesn't cross into threats, this is the only way for a legitimate society.

Its remarkable to see how demographic problems are created, Ireland is such a recent example of how it happens which makes the observation easy to see in crystal clarity. in 2018: 32 abortions. 2019: 6,666 abortions. this is in a country where there is roughly 60k births per year. Ireland was one of the last holdouts in the west keeping abortion illegal, as soon as it was legalized, the birthrate started to plummet, but its hard to tell how much of an effect covid had. So the women want abortion, they get in, then no native babies, then the stupid females try to import human capital to support the burdensome welfare state that they vote for to steal money from the productive men since they no longer have to be a responsible woman and raise kids. It is a repeating pattern all around the western world and it really has shaken my confidence in democracy because it repeats over, and over no matter the relatively minor cultural differences country to country. It has also shaken my ability to even see women as deserving of equality to men because of the overwhelming evidence of there lack of ability to reason. It seems that one of the fatal flaws of a full democracy where women can vote is that typically the women outnumber men and then they always outvote them, consequently, the government becomes larger and larger and taxes higher and higher. I dunno how to turn this pattern around, there seems to be no political solution.

Women who don't have children are essentially societal thieves, leeches upon society, this is because the very fact that they are alive shows that they had a mother, that mother and father put the expense, effort, and sacrifice in to get her to adulthood intact, and therefore by being giving this blessing, they then owe it in return to replenish what she was given. By not having children, it is an act of theft against society, and I will never respect women above the age of 35 any longer if they don't have any children without a legitimate reason. they do not deserve respect and they are selfish, thieving people who should literally be held to the fire for their theft and be forced to finance a child for another woman to makeup for her lack of responsibility. It may sound insane, but as it stands, these choices are leading to a potential societal collapse of worldwide proportions, this crop of women are despicable, they have stolen from the past generations and have not given back.

2 years ago

So you do understand everything is going according to the plan.

2 years ago

@The Man Inside: but what confuses me is I don't understand how there plan leads to anything good. it will just destroy the world. They will tank the average IQ of the countries and they will fall apart, it has been shown countries with below about 100 iq average cannot form functional societies. This would not be good even for the supposed elites.

2 years ago

@TelepathicRapist: you don't understand because you don't live in their circle. The same way you couldn't explain to them your point of view. First because they don't care, they look at us like chickens, and because their reality is completely different than yours. Back to the real world, our reality. I'm sure you had friends who were on par with you. With time, they got a good job dealing with good looking women, knowledgeable people, be it in engineering, history, whatever. Or rich, and he suddenly makes significant more money than you. Now he has access to things you don't. Things that are more interesting than what he had access before. Your reality is the same, his has changed. He knows about your reality, which was his, but has been covered by his new reality. And in no time you two don't speak anymore, don't spend time together... you may feel you lost a friend, he doesn't even remembers you. That's how it works.

2 years ago

They have a woman Minister of Justice....that says it all.

2 years ago

of course., the govt is against the irish people and for the immigrants.. because they work for the banker globalists.. The US is the same. . I am thinking about picking up an ak-47.. about 800 I think. .

2 years ago

Don't talk to my sister in Ireland she's a self entitled how dare you I am awesome oppressed female. Destroy Ireland &
every former white nation with open borders & special rights for the poor oppressed colonizers .

2 years ago

Irish are tough, as they have always been kinds fucked

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