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Is the ability to have and do anything, screwing up people's happiness?

138 Views • 09/08/23
Better Bachelor
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In a world where anyone can do damn near anything, why are so many people messing up, missing opportunity and are so unhappy? <br> <br>0:00 Intro <br>0:55 Paradox of Dating <br>13:00 Paradox of Life <br>18:38 Cabin Updates <br> <br>Join us on Locals for Saturday Night at the Movies every Saturday Night 8pm EST! <br> <br>Join the patriarchy today - every supporter makes a feminist cry. Join here on YT or better yet on (it's free to become a member) to see more of the content you love. Better yet, become a supporter today and get free speech forums, memes, and unique content and live streams for just the cost of a cup of coffee. Locals - <br> <br>On Rumble: <br> <br>For a one time Support/Donation <br> <br> <br>--------Other Media------ <br>My Second Channel

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9 Comments sort Sort By

You need BIG WIDE and THICK washers under the bolt heads - it spreads the load out over a far bigger area, so you can work up towards your bolts higher clamping pressure, without crushing your wood.

I assume your coach bolts, have square roots under the bolt head, you can usually get THICK zink plated washers, with holes just big enough to fit around the squares.

1 year ago

I know I've used the analogy of Spending in the choice thing but it still applies to Dating and RelationSHIT'S. Also don't women understand that descent MEN no longer give a shit about her FAT ASS and the childish behavior, this is why we have Red Pill and MGTOW form, because MEN have just walked away effectively from the fefail Me, me, me culture they have trapped their own botoxed fat asses and lips in! lol! Whilst women have gone on the Entitlement BINGE just because they can, they have destroyed Pair Bonding, MEN cant compete with fefail ARROGANCE anymore so MEN are now doing their own thing and that thing (well i9n my case anyways), doesn't include women AT ALL. society has shown me that women are not worth the time or effort when my own money has bought me a great motorcycle and home, I do and buy WTF I want in my own time as a MAN. Life is pretty fucking good and being a Stoic as well copeable too. WTF would I need a women for? And any moron that say's SEX doesn't understand a word I've said? i think we call those Cuck's, Simp's, and MANGINA's? women basically having bought the bitter tasting "Cool Ade" have used a machine gun not a pistol to shoot themselves in the foot and only they are to blame. So as a guy may I offer a REALLY big thanks to Feminism for teaching millions of MEN ibcluding myself what women are REALLY about! lol! Peace Gentlemen.

1 year ago

That lady was right, Women today DO Gaslight themselves because without thinking they just blindly go into stuff. I have NEVER known one women that isn't impulsive or researches what she want's. i remember a long tim e ago in the bad old day's a fefail friend (No long I'm glad to say), called me in the middle of the night and asked if I wanted to go for a ride to an all night superstore. well a free car ride I couldn't sleep, so I went. Within an hour of being in this place she had blown over $300+ on total CRAP, she was on a high. by the time we returned to her car she was feeling depressed! lol!

1 year ago

Hey Joker , getting a bit Hot for that beard! lol! I've removed mine twice in the heat but it just grows back so quick! This thing about choice is destroying everyone and everything, it's the spoiled fat kid in a candy store type thing. People are binging on Choice (which by the way isn't really choice) then they become sick on Greed and Entitlement in the case of women. at the end of the day their is no CHOICE because everything is just there and it's all been chosen and used. then set's in long term boredom, lack of choice because of that or verything is NEVER enough. the inability especially with the fefail mindset is to binge, got to have this got to have that etc! I was taught as a kid that CHIOCE was exactly that. you can have this one or you can have that one, but NOT everything. Personally I'm VERY careful as to what I purchase or take on. I research fully is this REALLY what I want and it usually is, with a built in choice to changer at some point (not have to have it all then and there)! In modern society where it's ALL their I think pewople have lost the ability to choose, because it's easy to just cover all of life's issues up with a gift or 10 to yourself, I mean how many pairs of shoes does a women need unless she is a centipede! lol! nothing wrong with collecting either, just be particular on the field that interests you, at least collecting DUST is free, becuse most of the materialism end's up doing exactly that. the fix of an impulse but last five minutes and the bill last a lot longer with interest for that quick fix, it's planned ythat way by the money institutions that make your life a misery and know you WILL try to offset it with buying CRAP basically. Yep many years ago it happened to me, but not anymore. IU check my finances every morning although I already know what I have, the figures are there so if I do go out to buy, usually something I DO need, I know exactly what I have in my account. Also buying BRAND NAMES is a bit of a FALSE ECONOMY. I've bought Identical stuff probably made in the same factory looks the same but without a Brand Name it is a fraction of the price. Quality varies as well even on brand names and I've in the past found this out, I go generally for the cheap knock off's now but buy 2 just in case for the fraction of the cost, i am talking things like tools you may only use once of twice.

1 year ago

Cool. I figured you had to get your land settled with water and electricity and whatever gardening or farming you needed to do before figuring out the men's retreat: I figured it would be on that property.

If you want something cool or cheap for electricity and true off grid living, look up Hydrogen House; I believe Keeper still has a video here on MGTOW.TV about it.

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